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Cheatsheet about tips and tricks for Android Development.

This is a simple set of tips and tricks regarding Android Development which I have gathered from various sources. It helps me direct other android devs in my community regarding stuff each android dev should know about. It is also there for me to keep track of anything I either learn on my own or from other sources now and then when browsing the internet.

Contributions are always welcome, hoping people will help me in growing this. To contribute, simply open up a PR with the changes.

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This curated cheatsheet includes tips and tricks that I have been following in my workflow as well as those being suggested/followed by other android devs worldwide.I have tried to add direct links wherever I could remember, giving people due credit who have explained the concepts. If you think I have missed any, then either send a PR or open an issue and I will fix it asap.

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[Apache Version 2.0 | Copyright 2016 Nishant Srivastava](LICENSE)

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the Android Tips & Tricks README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.