100 Animations packages and projects

  • Lottie for Android, iOS, and React Native

    9.9 8.2 L4 Java
    Render After Effects animations natively on Android and iOS, Web, and React Native
  • Material-Animations

    9.8 0.0 L5 Java
    Android Transition animations explanation with examples.
  • Get real-time insights from all types of time series data with InfluxDB. Ingest, query, and analyze billions of data points in real-time with unbounded cardinality.
    Promo www.influxdata.com
    InfluxDB Logo
  • AndroidViewAnimations

    9.8 0.0 L4 Java
    Cute view animation collection.
  • UltimateAndroidReference

    9.6 0.0 Java
    :rocket: Ultimate Android Reference - Your Road to Become a Better Android Developer
  • ListViewAnimations

    9.5 0.0 L5 Java
    DISCONTINUED. An Android library which allows developers to easily add animations to ListView items
  • AndroidImageSlider

    9.5 0.0 L5 Java
    An amazing and convenient Android image slider.
  • NineOldAndroids

    9.4 0.0 L4 Java
    DISCONTINUED. Android library for using the Honeycomb animation API on all versions of the platform back to 1.0!
  • Rebound

    9.3 0.0 L3 Java
    DISCONTINUED. A Java library that models spring dynamics and adds real world physics to your app.
  • shimmer-android

    9.2 0.0 L2 Java
    DISCONTINUED. An easy, flexible way to add a shimmering effect to any view in an Android app.
  • PhotoEditor

    9.1 4.3 Kotlin
    A Photo Editor library with simple, easy support for image editing using paints,text,filters,emoji and Sticker like stories.
  • CircleIndicator

    9.0 0.0 L4 Java
    A lightweight indicator like in nexus 5 launcher
  • android-flip

    9.0 0.3 L3 Java
    DISCONTINUED. A component for flip animation on Android, which is similar to the effect in Flipboard iPhone/Android
  • ChatKit for Android

    9.0 0.0 Java
    Android library. Flexible components for chat UI implementation with flexible possibilities for styling, customizing and data management. Made by Stfalcon
  • transitions-everywhere

    9.0 0.0 L4 Java
    Set of extra Transitions on top of Jetpack Transitions Library
  • ExplosionField

    8.9 0.0 L5 Java
    explosive dust effect for views
  • Music Player

    8.9 0.0 L5 Java
    From UI Proposal to Code :notes::arrow_forward:
  • RecyclerViewItemAnimators

    8.8 0.0 L4 Java
    An Android library which provides simple Item animations to RecyclerView items
  • animate

    8.7 0.0 L4 Java
    An application demoing meaningful motion on Android
  • Spotlight

    8.7 0.0 Kotlin
    Android Library that lights items for tutorials or walk-throughs etc...
  • ViewPagerTransforms

    8.5 0.0 Kotlin
    Library containing common animations needed for transforming ViewPager scrolling for Android v13+.
  • FabulousFilter

    8.4 2.9 Java
    Android library to animate Floating Action Button to Bottom Sheet Dialog and vice-versa
  • AnimationEasingFunctions

    8.4 3.6 L5 Java
    Android Animation Easing Functions. Let's make animation more real!
  • android-ripple-background

    8.4 0.0 Java
    DISCONTINUED. A beautiful ripple animation for your app
  • Slidr

    8.4 0.0 L4 Java
    DISCONTINUED. Easily add slide to dismiss functionality to an Activity
  • CircularReveal

    8.3 0.0 L5 Java
    Lollipop ViewAnimationUtils.createCircularReveal for everyone 4.0+
  • ShimmerLayout

    8.2 0.0 Java
    DEPRECATED - Memory efficient shimmering effect for Android applications by Supercharge.
  • Rich Path Animator

    8.1 0.1 Kotlin
    DISCONTINUED. 💪 Rich Android Path. 🤡 Draw as you want. 🎉 Animate much as you can.
  • Stfalcon ImageViewer

    7.9 0.0 Kotlin
    A simple and customizable Android full-screen image viewer with shared image transition support, "pinch to zoom" and "swipe to dismiss" gestures
  • BaseAnimation

    7.8 0.0 L2 Java
    BaseAnimation network Android animation set, custom controls, nearly 200 kinds of source code! BaseAnimation, if a new version is updated automatically to remind everyone, I hope everyone will contribute their animated XML files or other source, together to create this open source app!
  • EasyAndroidAnimations

    7.7 0.0 HTML
    Easy Android Animations is an animation library that aims to make android animations easier, with 50+ builtin animations, it allows you to introduce many complex animation effects in your application with one or two lines of code.
  • Backboard

    7.7 3.0 L4 Java
    A motion-driven animation framework for Android.
  • SpeedView

    7.4 7.3 Kotlin
    Dynamic Speedometer and Gauge for Android. amazing, powerful, and multi shape :zap:
  • ColorPickerView

    7.4 7.1 Java
    🎨 Android colorpicker for getting colors from any images by tapping on the desired color.
  • PreLollipopTransition

    7.3 0.0 L4 Java
    Simple tool which help you to implement activity and fragment transition for pre-Lollipop devices.
  • EasyFlipView

    7.2 0.0 L5 Java
    💳 A quick and easy flip view through which you can create views with two sides like credit cards, poker cards etc.
  • mkloader

    7.2 0.0 Java
    Beautiful and smooth custom loading views
  • WhatTodo

    7.2 4.5 Dart
    A Simple Todo app design in Flutter to keep track of your task on daily basis. Its build on BLoC Pattern. You can add a project, labels, and due-date to your task also you can sort your task on the basis of project, label, and dates
  • TransitionPlayer

    7.1 0.0 L3 Java
    Android library to control Transition animates. A simple way to create a interactive animation.
  • ArcAnimator

    7.0 0.0 L4 Java
    ArcAnimator helps to create arc transition animation: 2.3.+
  • Road Runner

    6.9 0.0 L1 Java
    Road Runner is a library for android which allow you to make your own loading animation using a SVG image
  • FragmentAnimations

    6.9 0.0 L2 Java
    3D animation examples for support-v4 Fragment transition.
  • Interactive-animation

    6.8 0.0
    Collect android animation
  • EasingInterpolator

    6.7 0.0 L3 Java
    Thirty-one different easing animation interpolators for Android.
  • TreeView

    6.6 0.0 Kotlin
    Android GraphView is used to display data in graph structures.
  • AppIntroAnimation

    6.4 1.1 L3 Java
    AppIntroAnimation is a set of code snippets to make cool intro screen for your app with special Image Translation and Transformation animation effects. It is very easy to use and customize without adding third party library integrations.
  • Youtube UI/UX Animation

    6.4 0.0 Kotlin
    With MVVM Architecture pattern using Android Architecture Components This is a sample app demonstrating Youtube player animation using constraint layout
  • StepView

    6.4 0.0 Java
    DISCONTINUED. A simple animated step view for Android
  • Android File Picker🛩️

    6.3 3.2 Kotlin
    FilePicker is a small and fast file selector library that is constantly evolving with the goal of rapid integration, high customization, and configurability~
  • React Native Tabbar Interaction

    6.3 0.0 TypeScript
    Tabbar Component For React-Native
  • TextFieldBoxes

    6.1 0.0 Java
    Material Design text field that comes in a box, based on (OLD) Google Material Design guidelines.
  • Dachshund Tab Layout

    6.1 0.0 L5 Java
    Extended Android Tab Layout with animated indicators that have continuous feedback.
  • fab-transformation

    6.0 0.0 L5 Java
    Support Floating Action Button transformation for Android
  • FPSAnimator

    6.0 0.0 L4 Java
    FPSAnimator is very easy animation library for Android TextureView and SurfaceView.
  • LiquidSwipe

    6.0 0.0 Kotlin
    Android LiquidSwipe Library
  • Zoom Recyler Layout

    5.9 0.0 Kotlin
    🎢 Zoom Recycler Layout Manager For Android Kotlin
  • ParallaxPagerTransformer

    5.7 0.0 L5 Java
    A pager for Android with parallax effect
  • ActivityOptionsICS

    5.7 0.0 L4 Java
    The lib can make the ActivityOptions animations use in Android api3.1+
  • material-scrolling

    5.6 0.0 L5 Java
    Android library for material scrolling techniques.
  • Android-Transition

    5.6 0.0 L2 Java
    Allows the easy creation of animated transition effects when the state of Android UI has changed
  • android-page-curl

    5.5 0.0 L3 Java
    Page Curl for Android
  • BubbleAnimationLayout

    5.4 0.0 L5 Java
    You don’t want your apps look and feel boring, do you? Add some bubbles!
  • TransitionsBackport

    5.4 0.0 Java
    A backport of the new Transitions API for Android
  • Direct Select for Android

    5.3 0.0 Java
    :octocat: ≡ DirectSelect is a selection widget with an ethereal, full-screen modal popup displaying the available choices when the widget is interact with.
  • MultiImageView

    5.1 0.0 Kotlin
    Android library to display a few images in one ImageView like avatar of group chat. Made by Stfalcon
  • ParticlesDrawable

    5.0 7.3 Java
    Draws random flying particles in space forming constellations.
  • MultiStateAnimation

    4.8 0.0 L5 Java
    Android library to create complex multi-state animations.
  • WaveCompat

    4.6 0.0 Java
    Wave effect of activity animation
  • Android CodeView

    4.4 5.5 Java
    Android Library to make it easy to create an Code editor or IDE that support any languages and themes, with auto complete, auto indenting, snippets and more features
  • QuickSand

    4.4 0.0 L4 Java
    Automatically manipulates the duration of animations dependent on view count. Quicksand .. the more you struggle.
  • Google Maps Clustering for Android

    4.4 0.0 Java
    Fast marker clustering library for Google Maps Android API.
  • Ferris Wheel View

    4.3 0.0 Kotlin
    Simple android library to present an animated ferris wheel
  • ActivityTransition

    4.3 0.0 L5 Java
    An android project presenting some transitions you can use between activities
  • ViewPropertyObjectAnimator

    4.2 2.5 Java
    Wrapper of the ObjectAnimator that can be used similarly to ViewPropertyAnimator
  • OffsetAnimator

    4.1 0.0 Java
    Animations driven by finger movement
  • Android App Shortcuts

    3.8 0.0 L4 Java
    App Shortcuts for Android on Pre Nougat 7.1!
  • SSJetPackComposeProgressButton

    3.8 2.8 Kotlin
    SSJetPackComposeProgressButton is an elegant button with a different loading animations. 🚀
  • WindView

    3.8 0.0 L4 Java
    WindView is an Android Library to show Weather's Wind & pressure Status
  • Applying meaningful motion on Android

    3.6 0.0 L5 Java
    How to apply meaningful and delightful motion in a sample Android app
  • CircularTools

    3.6 0.0 L5 Java
    Circle based animations for Android (min. API 11)
  • MultiLamp

    3.5 0.0 Java
    Android library to showcase/highlight the multiple views on same overlay
  • Bungee

    3.3 0.0 Java
    Lightweight Android library for cool activity transition animations
  • AndroidAnimationsActions

    3.1 0.0 L4 Java
    Actions for android animations. Inspired by libgdx scene2d actions.
  • android-cubic-bezier-interpolator

    3.1 0.0 Java
    Deprecated in favour of https://developer.android.com/reference/android/support/v4/view/animation/PathInterpolatorCompat.html
  • VusikView

    3.1 0.0 L5 Java
    Android library to make notes drop animation for music players
  • PaintableVectorView

    3.1 0.0 Kotlin
    🎨 PaintableVectorView enables to change color of paths/groups in Vector Drawable (SVG) 🎨
  • Bounceview-Android

    3.1 0.0 Java
    Customizable bounce animation for any view like in Clash Royale app
  • Geolocator

    3.1 6.0 Kotlin
    Location tracking & geofencing the easy way. Supports background, killed app, rebooted device different update intervals.
  • ReactButton

    3.0 2.5 Java
    Android Library to make it easy to add ReactButton feature in your app with Multi Reactions like Facebook or Linkedin, you can add many reactions as you want, you can also split them into a number of columns, and also customize the colours and text for each reaction
  • flutter_sliding_tutorial

    2.9 0.0 Dart
    User onboarding library with smooth animation of objects and background colors
  • World Country Data, flags, currency and more

    2.8 3.0 Java
    Android library for country flag, currency, and other country information
  • Android Animated Icons

    2.8 0.0 Java
    How to improve the user experience using animated icons with vector drawables on Android
  • Swipper

    2.8 0.0 Java
    Android library for swipable gestures
  • BubblePagerIndicator

    2.8 0.0 Java
    DISCONTINUED. A view pager indicator view to deal with a large amount of pages.
  • Android-Speech-Recognition

    2.7 0.0 Java
    Continuous speech recognition library for Android with options to use GoogleVoiceIme dialog and offline mode.
  • Google NewsStand Animation Android

    2.7 0.0 Java
    Navigation pattern like in Google News Stand app with transitions
  • SensorAnnotations

    2.6 0.0 L3 Java
    Android - Annotate methods to use as listeners for a sensor.
  • KalmanRx

    2.6 1.1 Java
    Smoothen rx value streams for e.g. sensor data using kalman filter.
  • OtpEditText

    2.6 0.0 Java
    A customised EditText view serving the purpose of taking numeric One Time Password from a user. With stunning animation, and high customizability.
  • AnimatedLoadingIndicator

    2.6 0.0 L5 Java
    Animated Loader or Animated Progress Dialog android code.
  • KdGaugeView

    2.6 0.0 Java
    KdGaugeView is a simple and customizable Gauge / Speedometer control for Android.

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