Programming language: - - -
android-blogs alternatives and similar packages
Based on the "Resources" category.
Alternatively, view android-blogs alternatives based on common mentions on social networks and blogs.
Android Asset Studio
A set of web-based tools for generating graphics and other assets that would eventually be in an Android application's res/ directory. -
Android Action Bar Style Generator
[DEPRECATED] Easily create a simple, attractive and seamless custom action bar style for your Android application -
Learn How to use Google Map API for Android from Basic to Advance with complete examples. -
A library that converts Time to its equivalent local languages starting with some basic Nigeria languages(Yoruba, Hausa, Igbo, Efik and English) -
Android Resource Extensions
Convenience extension methods for android's auto-generated /res folder R. class. -
Google Wear App
DISCONTINUED. This is a tip calculator for Android Wear that uses speech recognition. -
Android Design in Action slides
- The application that gives you access to the slides of the video series. -
Developing for Android
A series of articles from Googler Chet Hasae and others, answering most commonly asked question: "What are some of the important rules to keep in mind when developing Android applications?". -
Android UI design resources
Gives you wide variety of design resources form a Google Developer Expert in UI/UX.
InfluxDB - Purpose built for real-time analytics at any scale.
InfluxDB Platform is powered by columnar analytics, optimized for cost-efficient storage, and built with open data standards.
* Code Quality Rankings and insights are calculated and provided by Lumnify.
They vary from L1 to L5 with "L5" being the highest.
Do you think we are missing an alternative of android-blogs or a related project?
Android Blogs
See also: https://github.com/vbauer/java-blogs
Groups & Companies
- Androcid http://www.androcid.com
- Androidized http://www.androidized.com
- Androinica http://androinica.com
- AndroidDvlpr https://androiddvlpr.com
- AndroidGuys http://www.androidguys.com
- AndroidPIT https://www.androidpit.com
- AndroidSigma http://androidsigma.com
- AndroMint http://www.andromint.com
- Android Advices http://androidadvices.com
- Android and Me http://androidandme.com
- Android Authority http://www.androidauthority.com
- Android Blip http://www.androidblip.com/blog
- Android Central http://www.androidcentral.com
- Android Community http://androidcommunity.com
- Android Developers Blog https://android-developers.blogspot.com
- Android Headlines http://www.androidheadlines.com
- Android Official Blog https://officialandroid.blogspot.com
- Android Police http://www.androidpolice.com
- Android Power http://www.computerworld.com/blog/android-power
- Android Shenanigans http://androidshenanigans.blogspot.pt
- Android UI Patterns http://www.androiduipatterns.com
- Ausdroid http://ausdroid.net
- Bloco https://www.bloco.io/blog
- Commons Blog http://commonsware.com/blog
- Cult of Android http://www.cultofandroid.com
- Droid Life http://www.droid-life.com
- FXP http://fxpblog.co
- Hootsuite http://code.hootsuite.com/category/code/android/
- Little Robots http://www.littlerobots.nl/blog/
- Mindorks Blog https://blog.mindorks.com/
- Novoda http://novoda.com/blog
- Phandroid http://phandroid.com
- Planet Android http://www.planetandroid.com
- Talk Android http://www.talkandroid.com
- Team Android http://www.teamandroid.com
- WeddingParty http://nerds.weddingpartyapp.com/tech/categories/android/
- Future Studio https://futurestud.io/blog/tag/android
- Alessandro Crugnola http://blog.sephiroth.it
- André Mion https://medium.com/@andremion
- Andrew Lord https://www.lordcodes.com
- AndroidHive http://www.androidhive.info
- AndroidGig http://androidgig.com
- Android Design Patterns http://androiddesignpatterns.com
- Android Developer http://www.therealjoshua.com/blog
- Android Developers Backstage http://androidbackstage.blogspot.com
- Android Social Media http://www.androidsocialmedia.com
- Android UI/UX http://androiduiux.com
- Android-er http://android-er.blogspot.com
- Android dev examples https://android-dev-examples.blogspot.com/
- Angus Morton http://angusmorton.com
- Antoine Merle http://antoine-merle.com
- Antonio Leiva http://antonioleiva.com
- Antonio Cappiello http://antoniocappiello.com
- Android Tech Point http://androidtechpoint.blogspot.com
- AppCoderz https://appcoderz.com/blog
- Arjun U. http://arjunu.com
- Bartek Lipinski https://medium.com/@blipinsk
- Bill Lahti https://blahti.wordpress.com
- Blundell http://blog.blundell-apps.com
- Carlos Sessa https://medium.com/@Macarse
- Chet Haase https://medium.com/@chethaase
- Chintan Rathod http://chintanrathod.com
- Chiu-Ki Chan http://blog.sqisland.com
- Chris Banes https://chris.banes.me
- Christian Panadero http://panavtec.me
- CodeChimp http://blog.codechimp.org
- Codedependent http://graphics-geek.blogspot.com
- Cyril Mottier http://cyrilmottier.com
- Dan Lew http://blog.danlew.net
- David Gonzalez http://www.malmstein.com
- Dávid Karnok http://akarnokd.blogspot.com
- Diego Torres Milano http://dtmilano.blogspot.com
- Donn Felker and Kaushik Gopal http://fragmentedpodcast.com
- Egor Andreevici https://blog.egorand.me/
- Ernest Micklei http://ernestmicklei.com/
- Flavien Laurent http://www.flavienlaurent.com
- Fernando Cejas http://fernandocejas.com
- Federico Paolinelli http://fedepaol.github.io
- Gabor Paller http://mylifewithandroid.blogspot.com
- Gabriele Mariotti http://gmariotti.blogspot.com
- Gadget Habit http://michaelevans.org
- Grokking Android http://www.grokkingandroid.com
- halfthought https://halfthought.wordpress.com
- Hannes Dorfmann http://hannesdorfmann.com
- How2Android http://how2android.com
- In love with Android http://www.inlovewithandroid.com/android-blog.html
- Jake Wharton http://jakewharton.com/blog
- Jesse Wilson http://publicobject.com
- Joan Zapata http://blog.joanzapata.com
- Jorge Castillo http://jorgecastillo.xyz
- JPARDOGO https://medium.com/@jpardogo
- Justin Inácio https://moducode.com/blog
- Kaushik Gopal http://blog.kaush.co
- Kirill Boyarshinov http://kboyarshinov.com
- Lucas Rocha http://lucasr.org
- Marko Uberti http://marcouberti.net
- Markus Junginger http://androiddevblog.com
- Matt Logan http://mattlogan.me
- Miroslaw Stanek http://frogermcs.github.io
- MKyong http://www.mkyong.com/tutorials/android-tutorial
- Mouna Cheikhna http://www.mounacheikhna.com
- My life with Android http://mylifewithandroid.blogspot.com
- Nikolay Elenkov http://nelenkov.blogspot.com
- PTR Android/Programming Blog http://ptrprograms.blogspot.com
- Piotr Wittchen http://blog.wittchen.biz.pl
- Robin Chutaux http://blog.robinchutaux.com
- Romain Guy http://www.curious-creature.com/category/android
- Roman Nurik https://medium.com/@romannurik
- Ryan Harter http://ryanharter.com
- Sriram Ramani http://sriramramani.wordpress.com
- Styling Android http://blog.stylingandroid.com
- Surviving With Android http://www.survivingwithandroid.com
- TheRealJoshua http://www.therealjoshua.com/blog
- TechnoTalkative http://www.technotalkative.com
- TechnoWorm http://technoworm.com
- Udi Cohen http://blog.udinic.com
- Veaceslav Gaidarji http://vgaidarji.me/#blog
- Wiebe Elsinga http://wiebe-elsinga.com/blog/news/
Contributing Guidelines
Please ensure your pull request match to the following rules:
- For companies/groups:
- Make sure that 80% of content is about Android and Java.
- No PR, self-promoting posts.
- For individual blogs:
- Posts should be mostly about Android and Java.
- For both of them:
- Use the following format: Name Link-with-scheme (ex: Android Central http://www.androidcentral.com)
- Pull request message should be clear.
- Do not use slash symbol at the end of URL address (if it is not necessary).
Contributions welcome!