android-contentprovider-generator v1.9.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2015-02-15 // about 9 years ago
    • The config syntaxVersion for this release is 3. This means you must update your _config.json file.
    • Generation of new "Model" interfaces (one per entity)
    • ๐Ÿ†• New useAnnotations boolean parameter in config, to generate annotations from the support-annotations library (issue #38)
    • A few optimizations in the generated code
    • Column names are no longer automatically made lower case, to help using the tool with an existing db (issue #52)
    • ๐Ÿ†• New contains, startsWith, endsWitdh methods on Selection objects (issue #55)
    • The CREATE_TABLE and CREATE_INDEX constants are now public to make upgrades easier (issue #59)
    • The "id" (single column primary key) can now be specified to be an arbitrary column, instead of automatically being generated as "_id" (issue #56)
    • Ability to specify a LIMIT and HAVING clause in queries, via a query parameter (issues #62 and #70)
    • ๐Ÿ‘ Better handling of default values (issue #67)
    • Ability to call notify, groupBy, limit and having on Selection objects.