Android-Transition alternatives and similar packages
Based on the "Animations" category.
Alternatively, view Android-Transition alternatives based on common mentions on social networks and blogs.
Lottie for Android, iOS, and React Native
Render After Effects animations natively on Android and iOS, Web, and React Native -
:rocket: Ultimate Android Reference - Your Road to Become a Better Android Developer -
DISCONTINUED. An Android library which allows developers to easily add animations to ListView items -
DISCONTINUED. Android library for using the Honeycomb animation API on all versions of the platform back to 1.0! -
DISCONTINUED. A Java library that models spring dynamics and adds real world physics to your app. -
DISCONTINUED. An easy, flexible way to add a shimmering effect to any view in an Android app. -
A Photo Editor library with simple, easy support for image editing using paints,text,filters,emoji and Sticker like stories. -
ChatKit for Android
Android library. Flexible components for chat UI implementation with flexible possibilities for styling, customizing and data management. Made by Stfalcon -
DISCONTINUED. A component for flip animation on Android, which is similar to the effect in Flipboard iPhone/Android -
An Android library which provides simple Item animations to RecyclerView items -
Library containing common animations needed for transforming ViewPager scrolling for Android v13+. -
Android library to animate Floating Action Button to Bottom Sheet Dialog and vice-versa -
DEPRECATED - Memory efficient shimmering effect for Android applications by Supercharge. -
Rich Path Animator
DISCONTINUED. 💪 Rich Android Path. 🤡 Draw as you want. 🎉 Animate much as you can. -
Stfalcon ImageViewer
A simple and customizable Android full-screen image viewer with shared image transition support, "pinch to zoom" and "swipe to dismiss" gestures -
BaseAnimation network Android animation set, custom controls, nearly 200 kinds of source code! BaseAnimation, if a new version is updated automatically to remind everyone, I hope everyone will contribute their animated XML files or other source, together to create this open source app! -
Easy Android Animations is an animation library that aims to make android animations easier, with 50+ builtin animations, it allows you to introduce many complex animation effects in your application with one or two lines of code. -
🎨 Android colorpicker for getting colors from any images by tapping on the desired color. -
Simple tool which help you to implement activity and fragment transition for pre-Lollipop devices. -
💳 A quick and easy flip view through which you can create views with two sides like credit cards, poker cards etc. -
A Simple Todo app design in Flutter to keep track of your task on daily basis. Its build on BLoC Pattern. You can add a project, labels, and due-date to your task also you can sort your task on the basis of project, label, and dates -
Android library to control Transition animates. A simple way to create a interactive animation. -
Road Runner
Road Runner is a library for android which allow you to make your own loading animation using a SVG image -
Youtube UI/UX Animation
With MVVM Architecture pattern using Android Architecture Components This is a sample app demonstrating Youtube player animation using constraint layout -
Android File Picker🛩️
FilePicker is a small and fast file selector library that is constantly evolving with the goal of rapid integration, high customization, and configurability~ -
AppIntroAnimation is a set of code snippets to make cool intro screen for your app with special Image Translation and Transformation animation effects. It is very easy to use and customize without adding third party library integrations. -
Material Design text field that comes in a box, based on (OLD) Google Material Design guidelines.
InfluxDB - Purpose built for real-time analytics at any scale.
* Code Quality Rankings and insights are calculated and provided by Lumnify.
They vary from L1 to L5 with "L5" being the highest.
Do you think we are missing an alternative of Android-Transition or a related project?
Android-Transition allows the easy creation of view transitions that reacts to user inputs. The library is designed to be general enough such that the same transition can be applied to differnt UI components like Drawer, SlidingUpPanel, ViewPager, ObservableScrollView (work in progress), etc., as long as appropriate adapter is used.
- Add Animation.forceEndState()
- Add DefaultAnimationListener
- Add a bunch of delayed methods with varargs to ViewTransitionBuilder & MenuItemTransitionBuilder
- Add ColorTransition
- Add AutoReverseAnimationListener
- Reduce transient objects created by ViewTransitionBuilder
- Update dependent library versions: (com.github.ksoichiro:android-observablescrollview:1.5.1 --> 1.6.0, com.sothree.slidinguppanel:library:3.0.0 --> 3.2.1
Because somehow version 0.9.3 uploaded to Maven is broken :-/
- Many *TransitionBuilder methods now takes varargs
- Add visible()/invisible()/gone() to *TransitionBuilder that modifies target View's visibility
- Add ScaledTransitionHandler
- Improve Cascade
- Fix erroneously sharing some TransitionBuilder states when cloned
- Remove android:allowBackup from AndroidManifest.xml
- Minor optimizations
- Allow the transition/animation of a single MenuItem
- Add ViewTransitionBuilder.height(int) / ViewTransitionBuilder.delayHeight(int)
- AnimationManager/TransitionAnimation can specify either AnimationController or AnimatorController (Animator is needed to animate MenuItems but is, for some reason, slow for certain animations like View height manipulation)
- Reduce garbage generation and other optimizations
- Fix memory leak with MenuItem transition
- Fix incorrect state when reverse transiting a View with a range not between 0f and 1f
- Remove AnimationManager.removeAnimation(Animation) to support optimization, may add it back in the future
Fixed an embarrassing mistakenly-capitalized package name.
Please note that due to change in scope and direction, the code has been overhauled in 0.9.x and is incompatible with 0.8.x.
On the other hand now it only takes 8 lines of code to achieve the effect below that includes both non-interactive animation and interactive transition (drawer dragging):
On Android Studio update Gradle dependency to:
compile 'com.github.kaichunlin.transition:core:0.9.4'
To add the corresponding slidinguppanel module:
compile 'com.github.kaichunlin.transition:slidinguppanel:0.9.1'
Android Support Annotations are applied across the codebase which should help catching incorrect usage early. On Android Studio update Gradle dependency to:
compile 'com.github.kaichunlin.transition:core:0.8.3'
Note that while many annotations such as @NonNull and @Nullable work on SDK Build Tools 22.0.x, some annotations like @IntRange and @FlatRange only work when preview version (23.0.0 rc2) is used.
Download from Google Play
The app on Google Play may not be the latest version.
- View and MenuItem Transition
view transition
MenuItem transition
- Integrated Transition & Animation
See Changelog for 0.9.0 above for an exmaple, and the "Usage" section below for sample code.
- Interpolator
It's very easy to apply standard Android Interpolator to the transition:
(AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator v.s. AnticipateInterpolator)
- Custom Adapters
- Drawer
- SlidingUpPanel
- ViewPager
- ObservableScrollView (work in progress)
- Write one yourself!
The simplest way to integrate Android-Transition is to grab them from Maven Central or jCenter. On Android Studio, add the code below to Gradle dependencies:
compile 'com.github.kaichunlin.transition:core:0.9.5'
Adapters that adapts to UI components not found in Android framework or Android Support Library are provided as their own libraries, the table below is the list of libraries:
Library | Function | Description in build.gradle |
core | Provides core transition function and adapters | com.github.kaichunlin.transition:core:0.9.5 |
slidinguppanel | AndroidSlidingUpPanel Adapter | com.github.kaichunlin.transition:slidinguppanel:0.9.5 |
As an example, if an app requires the slidinguppanel module, which implicitly requires the core module, then build.gradle will look like below:
dependencies {
//other dependencies
compile 'com.github.kaichunlin.transition:slidinguppanel:0.9.5'
- Transition is the primary object used to specify the desired operation on a View. The primary way to create Transitions is through the use of ViewTransitionBuilder and MenuItemTransitionBuilder.
- These two classes provide fluent API with capability similar to ViewPropertyAnimator. Example:
//create a Transition for the View with ID that rotates it by 360 degrees, applies different scaling on the X & Y axes, move it on the x axis by 200 pixels.
Transition transition = ViewTransitionBuilder.transit(findViewById(, 360f).scaleX(1f, 0.2f).scaleY(1f, 0f).translationX(200f)).build();
- Once created, Transition can be added to any adapter, which will manage and initiate the Transition when the user is manipulating an interactive View such as DrawerLayout:
- ViewTransitionBuilder and MenuItemTransitionBuilder have the method buildAnimation() to create an Animation object:
Animation animation = ViewTransitionBuilder.transit(findViewById(, 360f).scaleX(1f, 0.2f).scaleY(1f, 0f).translationX(200f)).buildAnimation();
- The app/ folder is a sample app containing dozens of examples.
Two steps to apply transition to any View (sample code):
- Use the adapter corresponding to the ViewGroup type:
//uses DrawerListenerAdapter to handle DrawerLayout user interactions
DrawerListenerAdapter mDrawerListenerAdapter = new DrawerListenerAdapter(mDrawerToggle,;
- Add desired transition to the adapter, ViewTransitionBuilder is used to build the transition:
ViewTransitionBuilder.transit(findViewById(, 360f).scaleX(1f, 0.2f).scaleY(1f, 0f).translationX(200f));
Three steps to apply transition to a MenuItem (sample code):
- Use the appropriate adapter that extends MenuBaseAdapter:
DrawerListenerAdapter mDrawerListenerAdapter = new DrawerListenerAdapter(mDrawerToggle,;
- Let the adapter manage the creation of options menu:
public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
mDrawerListenerAdapter.onCreateOptionsMenu(this, menu);
return super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu);
- Add desired transition to the adapter, MenuItemTransitionBuilder is used to build the transition:
//shared configuration
MenuItemTransitionBuilder builder = MenuItemTransitionBuilder.transit(toolbar).alpha(1f, 0.5f).scale(1f, 0f).cascade(0.3f).visibleOnStartAnimation(true).invalidateOptionOnStopTransition(this, true);
// create a transition to be used when the drawer transits from the closed state to the opened state
// notice that in most situations clone() should be used, i.e. builder.clone(), to prevent builder picking up effects that should only apply to a single transition
MenuItemTransition mShrinkClose = builder.translationX(0, 30).build();
// create a reverse transition to be used when the drawer transits from the opened state to the closed state
MenuItemTransition mShrinkOpen = builder.reverse().translationX(0, 30).build();
//tells adapter the transition and the menu options for both the opened and closed states
mDrawerListenerAdapter.setupOptions(this, new MenuOptionConfiguration(mShrinkOpen,, new MenuOptionConfiguration(mShrinkClose,;
To apply both animation & transition:
This can be achieved with the code:
//Create an adapter that listens for ActionBarDrawerToggle state change and update transition states
DrawerListenerAdapter mDrawerListenerAdapter = new DrawerListenerAdapter(mDrawerToggle,;
//this builder is used to build both transition & animation effect
ViewTransitionBuilder mRotateEffectBuilder = ViewTransitionBuilder.transit(findViewById(, 360f).scaleX(1f, 0.2f).scaleY(1f, 0f).translationX(200f);
//build the desired transition and adds to the adapter
ViewTransition transition =;
//since the start animation is the reverse of the transition, set the current view state to transition's final state
//init an animation and add a delay to prevent stutter, needs to be higher if animation is enabled
final IAnimation animation = mRotateEffectBuilder.reverse().buildAnimation();
animation.startAnimationDelayed(600, 32);
See source of for example.
- To clear all transitions from an adapter:
- Share a common builder (sample code):
//calling adapter(mSlidingUpPanelLayoutAdapter) means that when is called, the resultant transition will automatically be added to mSlidingUpPanelLayoutAdapter
ViewTransitionBuilder baseBuilder = ViewTransitionBuilder.transit().interpolator(mInterpolator).adapter(mSlidingUpPanelLayoutAdapter).rotationX(42f).scale(0.8f).translationYAsFractionOfHeight(-0.5f);
//calls clone() so any modification will not be propagated to other transitions build from the same builder
//adds a transition to view
//apply the same transition effect to a different view (
- Delay transition evaluation until layout is complete, this is required if a view's position/dimension is used in the evaluation, in such a case ViewUtil provides a helper function (sample code):
ViewUtil.executeOnGlobalLayout(findViewById(, new ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener() {
public void onGlobalLayout() {
//create ViewTransitionBuilder here