Butter Knife v7.0.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2015-06-27 // almost 9 years ago
    • @Bind replaces @InjectView and @InjectViews.
    • ButterKnife.bind and ButterKnife.unbind replaces ButterKnife.inject and ButterKnife.reset, respectively.
    • @Optional has been removed. Use @Nullable from the 'support-annotations' library, or any other annotation named "Nullable".
    • New: Resource binding annotations!
      • @BindBool binds an R.bool ID to a boolean field.
      • @BindColor binds an R.color ID to an int or ColorStateList field.
      • @BindDimen binds an R.dimen ID to an int (for pixel size) or float (for exact value) field.
      • @BindDrawable binds an R.drawable ID to a Drawable field.
      • @BindInt binds an R.int ID to an int field.
      • @BindString binds an R.string ID to a String field.
    • Fix: Missing views will be filtered out from list and array bindings.
    • Note: If you are using Proguard, the generated class name has changed from being suffixed with $$ViewInjector to $$ViewBinder.