Changelog History
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v21.11.2 Changes
- Fixed bug that caused crashes when migrating from older versions that don't have a device ID type stored. When migrating from no device ID and no type, SDK will fall back to a generated ID. When migrating from device ID and no type, SDK will set id type to 'DEVELOPER_SUPPLIED' if a custom ID was provided during init. Otherwise the new type will be 'OPEN_UDID'. Adding handling for additional edge cases.
v21.11.1 Changes
- Made 'ModuleDeviceId' public so that it would eliminate access issues for kotlin projects.
v21.11.0 Changes
- !! Major breaking change !! Deprecating "ADVERTISING_ID" as device ID generation strategy. SDK will fall back to 'OPEN_UDID'. All "ADVERTISING_ID" device ID's will have their type changed to "OPEN_UDID". If the device will have a "null" device ID, a random one will be generated.
- !! Major breaking change !! Changing device ID without merging will now clear all consent. It has to be given again after this operation.
- !! Major breaking change !! Entering temporary ID mode will now clear all consent. It has to be given again after this operation.
- ! Minor breaking change ! Feedback widget callback has an additional callback. This will cause a compilation error that is trivial to fix by adding the override for the missing call.
- ! Minor breaking change ! Automatic "AdvertisingId" attribution has been removed from the SDK. A call is added for recording provided attribution values.
- ! Minor breaking change ! Automatic install referrer attribution in play stores has been removed. A call is added for recording such provided values.
- ! Minor breaking change ! Orientation tracking is now enabled by default. Can be turned off during init.
! Minor breaking change ! A few internal SDK limits are now introduced. The following limits are adjustable at initialization:
- Maximum amount of provided segmentation in now 30 entries by default.
- Maximum amount of breadcrumbs that can be recorded at once is now 100 by default.
Device ID can now be changed when no consent is given
Push notification now display/use the sent badge number. It's visualization depends on the launcher.
Added new calls to report attribution.
When recording internal events with 'recordEvent', the respective feature consent will now be checked instead of the 'events' consent.
Consent changes will now send the whole consent state and not just the "delta"
Deprecated old user profile calls. Introduced a new API by which to change them.
Added platform information to push actioned events
Fixed bug where, on the start of a new session, the first view was not identified correctly
Fixed bug where the rating widget callback would not be called when the widget is closed and there is no error
Fixed potential deadlock issue
Removed the deprecated "init" methods
Removed the deprecated "recordEvent" methods
Removed the deprecated "changeDeviceId" methods
Removed the deprecated "setViewTracking" method
Removed the deprecated "isViewTrackingEnabled" method
Removed the deprecated "recordView" methods
Removed the deprecated "setCustomCrashSegments" method
Removed the deprecated "addCrashBreadcrumb" method
Removed the deprecated "recordHandledException" methods
Removed the deprecated "recordUnhandledException" methods
Removed the deprecated "enableCrashReporting" method
Removed the deprecated "startEvent" method
Removed the deprecated "endEvent" methods
Removed the deprecated "setDisableUpdateSessionRequests" method
Removed the deprecated "enableParameterTamperingProtection" method
Removed the deprecated "enablePublicKeyPinning" method
Removed the deprecated "enableCertificatePinning" method
Removed the deprecated "setPushIntentAddMetadata" method
Removed the deprecated "setEnableAttribution" method
Removed the deprecated "setEventQueueSizeToSend" method
Removed the deprecated "setStarRatingDialogTexts" method
Removed the deprecated "setIfStarRatingShownAutomatically" method
Removed the deprecated "setStarRatingDisableAskingForEachAppVersion" method
Removed the deprecated "setAutomaticStarRatingSessionLimit" method
Removed the deprecated "getAutomaticStarRatingSessionLimit" method
Removed the deprecated "getStarRatingsCurrentVersionsSessionCount" method
Removed the deprecated "clearAutomaticStarRatingSessionCount" method
Removed the deprecated "setIfStarRatingDialogIsCancellable" method
Removed the deprecated "setHttpPostForced" method
Removed the deprecated "setShouldIgnoreCrawlers" method
Removed the deprecated "addAppCrawlerName" method
Removed the deprecated "setRequiresConsent" method
Removed the deprecated "createFeatureGroup" method
Removed the deprecated "setConsentFeatureGroup" method
Removed the deprecated "setConsent" method
Removed the deprecated "giveConsent" method
Removed the deprecated "removeConsent" method
Removed the deprecated "removeConsentAll" method
Removed the deprecated "getConsent" method
Removed the deprecated "checkAllConsent" method
Removed the deprecated "showFeedbackPopup" method
Removed the deprecated "setRemoteConfigAutomaticDownload" method
Removed the deprecated "remoteConfigUpdate" method
Removed the deprecated "updateRemoteConfigForKeysOnly" method
Removed the deprecated "updateRemoteConfigExceptKeys" method
Removed the deprecated "getRemoteConfigValueForKey" method
Removed the deprecated "remoteConfigClearValues" method
Removed the deprecated "addCustomNetworkRequestHeaders" method
Removed the deprecated "setLoggingEnabled" method
v20.11.12 Changes
- Fixed bug due to "CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS" permission denial
- Adding an init time configuration option to set the maximum request queue size
- Updating the "compileSdkVersion" and "targetSdkVersion" to "31".
- Updating the "buildToolsVersion" to "31.0.0".
v20.11.11 Changes
- Fixed a bug where events would be sent with a larger delay if SDK callbacks are not called
- Fixed a bug where "platform" and "app_version" were provided incorectly when retrieving the feedback widget data
v20.11.10 Changes
- Fixed bug that would close manually recorded views early when automatic view recording is disabled
v20.11.9 Changes
- Moving a push related broadcast receiver decleration to the manifest to comply with 'PendingIntent' checks
- Fixed issue with star rating lowest allowed value. Changing it from 0 to 1.
- Fixed bug that would prevent certain codepath to be executed if the Application class was not provided during init.
- Added additional protections in remote config logic to protect against rare crashes
- Increasing default event threshold to 100.
- Printing approximate data usage in logs when sending requests
v20.11.8 Changes
- Minor tweaks. Changes related to publishing to MavenCentral
v20.11.7 Changes
- Adding metric for the device manufacturer.
- Fixing potential issues by sending all available events before the "end session" request
v20.11.6 Changes
- Fixed init time bug where the context from the provided application class was not used.
- Fixed init time bug which happened when location was disabled during init.