A lightweight, awesome customised replacement for the standard Toast. Give your apps a little style.
You can download the demo app for the library from Google PlayStore, the link is provided in the README file.
FabToast alternatives and similar packages
Based on the "Toast Widget" category.
Alternatively, view FabToast alternatives based on common mentions on social networks and blogs.
In-layout notifications. Based on Toast notifications and article by Cyril Mottier ( -
Android library to create customizable floating animated toasts like in Clash Royale app -
A really simple library that help you to display a custom toast with many colors (for : success, warning, danger, info, dark, light, primary...etc ), or with rounded corners, or event with image.
InfluxDB - Purpose built for real-time analytics at any scale.
* Code Quality Rankings and insights are calculated and provided by Lumnify.
They vary from L1 to L5 with "L5" being the highest.
Do you think we are missing an alternative of FabToast or a related project?
- min SDK 16 (Jelly Bean 4.1)
- written in Java
To download the demo app for this library from Google Playstore so you can see it in action, click here
Add this into your root build.gradle file:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Add the dependency to your module build.gradle:
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.Binary-Finery:FabToast:1.0'
FabToast has 4 different types:
And can be displayed in 3 different positions on-screen:
- DEFAULT (bottom)
To display a FabToast is extremely simple, and achieved in a single line of code. For example, to display a SUCCESS FabToast at the default position (bottom):
FabToast.makeText(context, "I'm a Fab toast", FabToast.LENGTH_LONG, FabToast.SUCCESS, FabToast.POSITION_DEFAULT).show();
to display a WARNING FabToast in the center of the screen:
FabToast.makeText(context, "I'm a Fab toast", FabToast.LENGTH_LONG, FabToast.WARNING, FabToast.POSITION_CENTER).show();
to display an ERROR FabToast at the top of the screen:
FabToast.makeText(context, "I'm a Fab toast", FabToast.LENGTH_LONG, FabToast.ERROR, FabToast.POSITION_TOP).show();
to display an INFORMATION FabToast at the default position:
FabToast.makeText(context, "I'm a Fab toast", FabToast.LENGTH_LONG, FabToast.INFORMATION, FabToast.POSITION_DEFAULT).show();