Moshi v1.9.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2019-10-29 // over 4 years ago
  • 2019-10-29

    • This release requires kotlin-reflect or moshi-kotlin-codegen for all Kotlin classes.

    Previously Moshi wouldn't differentiate between Kotlin classes and Java classes if Kotlin was not configured. This caused bad runtime behavior such as putting null into non-nullable fields! If you attempt to create an adapter for a Kotlin type, Moshi will throw an IllegalArgumentException.

    Fix this with either the reflection adapter:

       val moshi = Moshi.Builder()
           // ... add your own JsonAdapters and factories ...

    Or the codegen annotation processor:

       @JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
       data class BlackjackHand(
               val hidden_card: Card,
               val visible_cards: List<Card>

    The [Kotlin documentation][moshi_kotlin_docs] explains the required build configuration changes.

    • New: Change how Moshi's generated adapters call constructors. Previous generated code used a combination of the constructor and copy() method to set properties that have default values. With this update we call the same synthetic constructor that Kotlin uses. This is less surprising though it requires us to generate some tricky code.
    • New: Make Rfc3339DateJsonAdapter null-safe. Previously Moshi would refuse to decode null dates. Restore that behavior by explicitly forbidding nulls with Rfc3339DateJsonAdapter().nonNull().
    • New: Require Kotlin 1.3.50 or newer.
    • New: JsonWriter.valueSink() streams JSON-formatted data inline. Use this to do basic includes of raw JSON within a streamed document.
    • New: Support Gradle incremental processing in code gen.
    • New: Improve error messages. This includes better errors when field names and JSON names disagree, and when failing on an unknown field.
    • New: Support default values in PolymorphicJsonAdapterFactory.
    • New: Permit multiple labels for each subtype in PolymorphicJsonAdapterFactory. The first label is used when writing an object to JSON.
    • New: Forbid automatic encoding of platform classes in kotlinx. As with java.*, android.*, and kotlin.* Moshi wants you to specify how to encode platform types.
    • New: @JsonClass(generator=...) makes it possible for third-party libraries to provide generated adapters when Moshi's default adapters are insufficient.
    • Fix: Simplify wildcard types like List<? extends Number> to their base types List<Number> when finding type adapters. This is especially useful with Kotlin where wildcards may be added automatically.
    • Fix: Use the correct name when the @Json annotation uses field targeting like @field:Json.
    • Fix: Support multiple transient properties in KotlinJsonAdapter.
    • Fix: Don't explode attempting to resolve self-referential type variables like in Comparable<T extends Comparable<T>>.
    • Fix: Don't infinite loop on skipValue() at the end an object or array. Also disallow calling skipValue() at the end of a document.