okhttp v2.3.0 Release Notes

  • 2015-03-16

    • HTTP/2 support. We've done interop testing and haven't seen any problems. HTTP/2 support has been a big effort and we're particularly thankful to Adrian Cole who has helped us to reach this milestone.

    • RC4 cipher suites are no longer supported by default. To connect to old, obsolete servers relying on these cipher suites, you must create a custom ConnectionSpec.

    • Beta WebSockets support.. The okhttp-ws subproject offers a new websockets client. Please try it out! When it's ready we intend to include it with the core OkHttp library.

    • Okio updated to 1.3.0.

    • Fix: improve parallelism of async requests. OkHttp's Dispatcher had a misconfigured ExecutorService that limited the number of worker threads. If you're using Call.enqueue() this update should significantly improve request concurrency.

    • Fix: Lazily initialize the response cache. This avoids strict mode warnings when initializing OkHttp on Android‘s main thread.

    • Fix: Disable ALPN on Android 4.4. That release of the feature was unstable and prone to native crashes in the underlying OpenSSL code.

    • Fix: Don't send both If-None-Match and If-Modified-Since cache headers when both are applicable.

    • Fix: Fail early when a port is out of range.

    • Fix: Offer Content-Length headers for multipart request bodies.

    • Fix: Throw UnknownServiceException if a cleartext connection is attempted when explicitly forbidden.

    • Fix: Throw a SSLPeerUnverifiedException when host verification fails.

    • Fix: MockWebServer explicitly closes sockets. (On some Android releases, closing the input stream and output stream of a socket is not sufficient.

    • Fix: Buffer outgoing HTTP/2 frames to limit how many outgoing frames are created.

    • Fix: Avoid crashing when cache writing fails due to a full disk.

    • Fix: Improve caching of private responses.

    • Fix: Update cache-by-default response codes.

    • Fix: Reused Request.Builder instances no longer hold stale URL fields.

    • New: ConnectionSpec can now be configured to use the SSL socket's default cipher suites. To use, set the cipher suites to null.

    • New: Support DELETE with a request body.

    • New: Headers.of(Map) creates headers from a Map.