okhttp v3.4.0-RC1 Release Notes

  • 2016-07-02

    • We’ve rewritten HttpURLConnection and HttpsURLConnection. Previously we shared a single HTTP engine between two frontend APIs: HttpURLConnection and Call. With this release we’ve rearranged things so that the HttpURLConnection frontend now delegates to the Call APIs internally. This has enabled substantial simplifications and optimizations in the OkHttp core for both frontends.

      For most HTTP requests the consequences of this change will be negligible. If your application uses HttpURLConnection.connect(), setFixedLengthStreamingMode(), or setChunkedStreamingMode(), OkHttp will now use a async dispatcher thread to establish the HTTP connection.

      We don’t expect this change to have any behavior or performance consequences. Regardless, please exercise your OkUrlFactory and HttpURLConnection code when applying this update.

    • Cipher suites may now have arbitrary names. Previously CipherSuite was a Java enum and it was impossible to define new cipher suites without first upgrading OkHttp. With this change it is now a regular Java class with enum-like constants. Application code that uses enum methods on cipher suites (ordinal(), name(), etc.) will break with this change.

    • Fix: CertificatePinner now matches canonicalized hostnames. Previously this was case sensitive. This change should also make it easier to configure certificate pinning for internationalized domain names.

    • Fix: Don’t crash on non-ASCII ETag headers. Previously OkHttp would reject these headers when validating a cached response.

    • Fix: Don’t allow remote peer to arbitrarily size the HPACK decoder dynamic table.

    • Fix: Honor per-host configuration in Android’s network security config. Previously disabling cleartext for any host would disable cleartext for all hosts. Note that this setting is only available on Android 24+.

    • New: HPACK compression is now dynamic. This should improve performance when transmitting request headers over HTTP/2.

    • New: Dispatcher.setIdleCallback() can be used to signal when there are no calls in flight. This is useful for [testing with Espresso][okhttp_idling_resource].

    • New: Upgrade to Okio 1.9.0.
