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Showing projects tagged as Android-library, Kotlin Library, and Custom View
Material Chip View
7.1 2.7 KotlinMaterial Chip view. Can be used as tags for categories, contacts or creating text clouds -
3.4 0.0 KotlinSame as the Outlined text fields presented on the Material Design page but with some dynamic changes. ๐ ๐ -
2.9 6.4 KotlinComposeShadowsPlus: Elevate your Android Compose UI with stunning custom shadows -
2.4 5.8 KotlinComposeScrollbars: Polish your Android Compose UI with advanced scrollbars -
2.3 6.0 KotlinComposeLevitation: Empower your Android Compose UI with mesmerizing levitation effects -
2.1 6.0 KotlinComposeFadingEdges: Enrich your Android Compose UI with fading edges -
Aesthetic GraphView
2.0 0.0 KotlinThis is a custom graph library where you can customize the graph as you want. The key features are you can take the full control over drawing the path, change the gradient color (Start Color - End Color), Change the circle color, Change the circle radius, Change the path color, Change the line thickness, On/Off Gridlines, Change the grid line color, On/Off Graduations, Change the graduation text color, Draw graph with different starting point, Draw graph from the left border (X0 - coordinate), Draw graph with exact coordinates given, Draw graph from left border and stretch until the end of the screen and it is Supported on OS - JellyBean 4.1 and above -
Composable Button Toggle Group
1.2 3.2 KotlinComposableButtonToggleGroup is the implementation of MaterialButtonToggleGroup for Jetpack Compose