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Showing projects tagged as Android and Demo
8.3 0.0 Kotlin📚 Sample Android Components Architecture on a modular word focused on the scalability, testability and maintainability written in Kotlin, following best practices using Jetpack. -
5.7 1.8 KotlinPet project using Clean Architecture + MVVM + Reactive Extensions + Android Architecture Components. The data are fetched from LondonTheatreDirect API. 🎭 -
3.9 0.0 Kotlin[Android Library] Get easy access to device information super fast, real quick -
MidJourney Images Compose Multiplatform Mobile Application
3.7 9.2 KotlinThis application is developed to display the images created by MidJourney. The application is developed with Compose Multiplatform and works on many platforms including Android and iOS platforms. -
1.5 0.0 JavaCustom View classes for TextView, EditText & Buttons - to set custom fonts -
1.3 0.0 JavaAn open source app that is refactored to demo ViewModel and LiveData