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ios packages

Showing projects tagged as Android and ios

  • WhatTodo

    7.3 8.0 Dart
    A Simple Todo app design in Flutter to keep track of your task on daily basis. Its build on BLoC Pattern. You can add a project, labels, and due-date to your task also you can sort your task on the basis of project, label, and dates
  • MidJourney Images Compose Multiplatform Mobile Application

    3.7 9.3 Kotlin
    This application is developed to display the images created by MidJourney. The application is developed with Compose Multiplatform and works on many platforms including Android and iOS platforms.
  • transai

    1.8 0.0 JavaScript
    transai is a localization tool on Android and iOS.
  • LogKMPanion

    0.7 8.0 Kotlin
    This Kotlin Multiplatform library is designed to help you observe and manage application logs across Android and iOS platforms
  • androme

    0.3 0.0 TypeScript
    DISCONTINUED. Converts and optimizes HTML pages with JavaScript into the various standard Android layouts in XML. iOS will be supported through Flutter integration. Compatible with Chrome and Safari.