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Showing projects tagged as Custom View, Android, Android-library, UI, and Layout
5.0 0.0 KotlinAndroid sliding panel that is part of the view hierarchy, not above it. -
Android SegmentedControl + multi row support
3.2 0.0 JavaAndroid SegmentedControl + multi row support -
Checkable TextView [KOTLIN]
2.6 0.0 KotlinA simple and flexible Checked TextView or Checkable TextView -
1.8 0.0 JavaAndroid dialog library to give user feedback about the common operations like Success, Warning and Errors. -
0.8 0.0 KotlinCircleProgressBar is circular progress with animation and color. -
Blinker View for Android
0.5 0.0 JavaDISCONTINUED. A variant of Android View that blinks only the source image (not the background)