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Showing projects tagged as Kotlin and Data binding
5.7 1.8 KotlinPet project using Clean Architecture + MVVM + Reactive Extensions + Android Architecture Components. The data are fetched from LondonTheatreDirect API. 🎭 -
3.3 0.0 KotlinDon't write a ViewPager Adapter! Hook up your ViewPager to your data model using Android Data Binding Framework. With Kotlin support! -
LiveStream-Kt (Android) 📱
2.4 0.0 KotlinDISCONTINUED. LiveStream is a simple class which makes communication easy among different modules of your application. -
Some basics about view binding and explore how to add data binding to your project
1.2 0.0 KotlinSample of Data Binding with MVVM + Clean Architecture. -
🔽 Android LiveData Databinding Validation
0.7 0.0 KotlinDataBinding ViewModel form validation library for Android ♻