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Resources packages

Showing projects tagged as Resources

  • Android Asset Studio

    9.5 0.0 L4 JavaScript
    A set of web-based tools for generating graphics and other assets that would eventually be in an Android application's res/ directory.
  • Android Tips & Tricks

    9.1 4.4 Java
    :ballot_box_with_check: [Cheatsheet] Tips and tricks for Android Development
  • Android Action Bar Style Generator

    7.4 0.0 JavaScript
    [DEPRECATED] Easily create a simple, attractive and seamless custom action bar style for your Android application
  • android-blogs

    5.6 0.0
    Blogs about Android
  • Complete-Google-Map-API-Tutorial

    2.7 0.0 Java
    Learn How to use Google Map API for Android from Basic to Advance with complete examples.
  • Android Weekly

    2.6 0.0 Groovy
    Gradle plugin that creates FindBugs reports for android projects
  • Language_Time

    2.1 0.0 Java
    A library that converts Time to its equivalent local languages starting with some basic Nigeria languages(Yoruba, Hausa, Igbo, Efik and English)
  • Material-Resources-Library

    1.7 0.0 Java
    A list of most useful resources for designing android apps such as all material colors and dimens, 180 Gradient background + html, social, flat, fluent, metro colors.
  • Android Resource Extensions

    1.5 0.0 Kotlin
    Convenience extension methods for android's auto-generated /res folder R. class.
  • Google Wear App

    1.0 0.0 Java
    DISCONTINUED. This is a tip calculator for Android Wear that uses speech recognition.
  • Future Studio

    Extensive Android tutorials on Retrofit, Picasso, Glide & Gson.
  • Android UI design resources

    Gives you wide variety of design resources form a Google Developer Expert in UI/UX.
  • Android Design in Action Video series

    The video series by Android Design Team of Google.
  • Android Design in Action slides

    - The application that gives you access to the slides of the video series.
  • Android DevBytes Video Series

    It is the technical counterpart of Android Design in Action series.
  • Developing for Android

    A series of articles from Googler Chet Hasae and others, answering most commonly asked question: "What are some of the important rules to keep in mind when developing Android applications?".
  • Android Hive Tutorials

    Very good tutorials for beginners.
  • Device Art Generator

    Wraps app screenshots in real device artwork.
  • Vogella Tutorials

    Very good tutorials by Lars Vogel.
  • Pencil Project

    An open source prototyping software.
  • How to Make Android Apps

    Video tutorials by Derek Banas.