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ViewPager Widget packages

Showing projects tagged as ViewPager Widget

  • Android-ViewPagerIndicator

    9.8 0.0 L4 Java
    DISCONTINUED. Paging indicator widgets compatible with the ViewPager from the Android Support Library and ActionBarSherlock. Originally based on Patrik Åkerfeldt's ViewFlow.
  • SCViewPager

    9.3 0.0 L4 Objective-C
    A simple keyframe-based animation framework for UIKit. Perfect for scrolling app intros.
  • RecyclerViewPager

    8.9 0.0 L4 Java
  • WoWoViewPager

    8.6 0.0 L3 Java
    Combine ViewPager and Animations to provide a simple way to create applications' guide pages.
  • SpringIndicator

    8.5 0.0 Java
    DISCONTINUED. A spring indicator like Morning Routine guide.
  • android-auto-scroll-view-pager

    8.2 0.0 L3 Java
    Android auto scroll viewpager or viewpager in viewpager
  • Onboarding

    7.3 0.0 L5 Java
    A beautiful way to introduce users to your app
  • HollyViewPager

    7.0 0.0 L5 Java
    DISCONTINUED. A different beautiful ViewPager, with quick swipe controls
  • LoopingViewPager

    6.9 0.0 L4 Java
    An android ViewPager extension allowing infinite scrolling
  • Dali

    6.6 1.3 L5 Java
    Dali is an image blur library for Android. It contains several modules for static blurring, live blurring and animations.
  • MultiViewPager

    6.5 0.0 Java
    The MultiViewPager is an extension of the support-v4 library's ViewPager that allows the pages to be wider or narrower than the ViewPager itself. It takes care of aligning the pages next to each other, and always keeping the selected page centered.
  • InfiniteViewPager

    6.3 0.0 Java
    Augment Android's ViewPager with wrap-around functionality.
  • ExpandablePager

    5.9 0.0 L4 Java
    DISCONTINUED. ViewPager that slides vertically.
  • FlycoPageIndicator

    5.5 0.0 L5 Java
    A Page Indicator Lib is realized in a different way.
  • VerticalViewPager

    5.0 0.0 L1 Java
    Vertical implementation of Android ViewPager
  • parallaxviewpager

    5.0 1.0 L5 Java
    DISCONTINUED. [Development stopped in 2014. Unfinished and not stable - not recommended to use.] An easy-to-use ViewPager subclass with parallax background effect for Android apps.
  • ViewPager3D

    4.9 0.0 L4 Java
    Extension of Android ViewPager with a 3D swipe effect
  • NumericPageIndicator

    4.1 0.0 L5 Java
    Android - A ViewPager page indicator that displays the current page number and (optionally) the page count
  • ViewPagerExtensions

    4.1 0.0 L4 Java
    DISCONTINUED. A set of custom views for the ViewPager from the Android Support Package
  • glazy-viewpager

    4.0 0.0 Java
    Android ViewPager template with cool animation.
  • Android-ScreenSlidePager

    4.0 0.0 L5 Java
    DISCONTINUED. Pager (especially for ViewPager) indicator in two styles: circle & fraction.
  • SpinningTabStrip

    3.9 0.0 L2 Java
    Shall we spin ?
  • LastPagerAdapter

    3.3 0.0 Kotlin
    Don't write a ViewPager Adapter! Hook up your ViewPager to your data model using Android Data Binding Framework. With Kotlin support!
  • ImageSliderWithSwipes

    2.1 0.0 L1 Java
    This is an Image slider with swipes, Here we used Volley to Image load URL from JSON! Here we make it a very easy way to load images from the Internet and We customized the description font style(OpenSans).
  • Sliding Tab With Color Icons

    1.7 0.0 L4 Java
    Library for Sliding Tab With Color Icons!