Pandora v2.0.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2019-03-17 // about 5 years ago
  • 新特性

    1. 网络日志新增对Android默认URLConnection的支持;
    2. 新增Crash记录和查看的功能;
    3. 新增Activity历史栈记录的功能;
    4. 新增添加自定义快捷入口的功能,具体请查看 Add shortcuts to Pandora
    5. 新增部分功能的使用帮助;
    6. 多语言自动切换的支持;


    1. 兼容支持Android 9.0:反射限制;
    2. 增加网络日志对请求错误情况的支持;
    3. 优化查看数据库列表的同步问题;
    4. 优化操作文件的同步问题;
    5. 优化选择视图的长按操作;
    6. 新的面板样式;
    7. 优化权限申请提示;
    8. 代码优化,Demo更新;


    1. 移除废弃的API:Pandora.get().getIntercepter().addJsonFormat()
    2. Gradle 版本更新;

    EN DOC

    🆕 new feature

    🌲 1. Support inspecting Android-UrlConnection HTTP log. 🔊 2. Support for logging Crash logs. 🔊 3. Support for logging Activity lifeCycle logs. 👍 4. Support for adding shortcuts to the panel, please check Add shortcuts to Pandora

    1. Add help doc for some feature. 👍 6. Support for Locale. (en/zh)

    ⚡️ optimize

    1. Bypass APIs access restrictions in Android P.
    2. Recording and show the error messages if HTTP failed.
    3. Keep the count of DB always up to date. 💻 4. Keep the UI up to date when delete files. ⚡️ 5. Optimize the long press operation of the selection widget. 💅 6. New panel style. ⚡️ 7. Optimize permission request prompts. ⚡️ 8. Code optimization, update demo;


    🚚 1. Remove the Deprecated API:Pandora.get().getIntercepter().addJsonFormat() ⬆️ 2. Upgrade Gradle version.