

MvRx (pronounced mavericks) is the Android framework from Airbnb that we use for nearly all product development at Airbnb. MvRx provides a framework that makes Android screens, from the simplest to the most complex, easier to write than before. However, it is built on top of existing components such as Fragments and architecture components so it doesn't constrain you and is easy to incrementally adopt.

Programming language: Kotlin
License: Apache License 2.0
Tags: Kotlin     UI     Android     MVC/MVVM/MVP     App     Support Library     Architecture     Reactive     Android-library     MVVM    
Latest version: v3.0.1

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Mavericks (formerly MvRx): Android on Autopilot

For full documentation, check out our docs site.

Mavericks is the Android framework from Airbnb that we use for nearly all product development at Airbnb.

When we began creating Mavericks, our goal was not to create yet another architecture pattern for Airbnb, it was to make building products easier, faster, and more fun. All of our decisions have built on that. We believe that for Mavericks to be successful, it must be effective for building everything from the simplest of screens to the most complex in our app.

This is what it looks like:

data class HelloWorldState(val title: String = "Hello World") : MavericksState

 * Refer to the wiki for how to set up your base ViewModel.
class HelloWorldViewModel(initialState: HelloWorldState) : MavericksViewModel<HelloWorldState>(initialState) {
    fun getMoreExcited() = setState { copy(title = "$title!") }

class HelloWorldFragment : Fragment(R.layout.hello_world_fragment), MavericksView {
    private val viewModel: HelloWorldViewModel by fragmentViewModel()

    override fun invalidate() = withState(viewModel) { state ->
        // Update your views with the latest state here.
        // This will get called any time your state changes and the viewLifecycleOwner is STARTED.


Gradle is the only supported build configuration, so just add the dependency to your project build.gradle file:

dependencies {
  implementation 'com.airbnb.android:mavericks:x.y.z'

The latest version of mavericks is Maven Central

For full documentation, check out the docs site

Legacy documentation for MvRx 1.x can still be found in the wiki