retrofit v2.0.0-beta3 Release Notes

Release Date: 2016-01-05 // over 8 years ago
    • New: All classes have been migrated to the retrofit2.* package name. The Maven groupId is now com.squareup.retrofit2. This is in accordance with the Java Interoperability Policy for Major Version Updates. With this change Retrofit 2.x can coexiest with Retrofit 1.x in the same project.
    • New: Update to use the OkHttp 3 API and OkHttp 3.0.0-RC1 or newer is now required. Similar to the previous point, OkHttp has a new package name (okhttp3.*) and Maven groupId (com.squareup.okhttp3) which allow it to coexist with OkHttp 2.x in the same project.
    • New: String converters allow for custom serialization of parameters that end up as strings (such as @Path, @Query, @Header, etc.). Converter.Factory has a new stringConverter method which receives the parameter type and annotations and can return a converter for that type. This allows providing custom rendering of types like Date, User, etc. to a string before being used for its purpose. A default converter will call toString() for any type which retains the mimics the previous behavior.
    • New: OkHttp's Call.Factory type is now used as the HTTP client rather than using the OkHttpClient type directly (OkHttpClient does implement Call.Factory). A callFactory method has been added to both Retrofit.Builder and Retrofit to allow supplying alternate implementations of an HTTP client. The client(OkHttpClient) method on Retrofit.Builder still exists as a convenience.
    • New: isExecuted() method returns whether a Call has been synchronously or asynchronously executed.
    • New: isCanceled() method returns whether a Call has been canceled. Use this in onFailure to determine whether the callback was invoked from cancellation or actual transport failure.
    • New: converter-scalars module provides a Converter.Factory for converting String, the 8 primitive types, and the 8 boxed primitive types as text/plain bodies. Install this before your normal converter to avoid passing these simple scalars through, for example, a JSON converter.
    • New: Converter.Factory methods now receive a Retrofit instance which also now has methods for querying the next converter for a given type. This allows implementations to delegate to others and provide additional behavior without complete reimplementation.
    • New: @OPTIONS annotation more easily allows for making OPTIONS requests.
    • New: @Part annotation now supports List and array types.
    • New: The @Url annotation now allows using or (in addition to String) as parameter types for providing relative or absolute endpoint URLs dynamically.
    • New: The retrofit-mock module has been rewritten with a new BehaviorDelegate class for implementing fake network behavior in a local mock implementation of your service endpoints. Documentation and more tests are forthcoming, but the SimpleMockService demonstrates its use for now.
    • Fix: Forbid Retrofit's Response type and OkHttp's Response type as the response body type given to a Call (i.e., Call<Response>). OkHttp's ResponseBody type is the correct one to use when the raw body contents are desired.
    • Fix: The Gson converter now respects settings on the supplied Gson instance (such as serializeNulls). This requires Gson 2.4 or newer.
    • The Wire converter has been updated to the Wire 2.0 API.
    • The change in 2.0.0-beta2 which provided the Retrofit instance to the onResponse callback of Callback has been reverted. There are too many edge cases around providing the Retrofit object in order to allow deserialization of the error body. To accommodate this use case, pass around the Retrofit response manually or implement a custom CallAdapter.Factory does so automatically.