Changelog History
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v1.4.4 Changes
June 04, 2013- π Bug fix release: Request priorization would fail on SDK 8 due to JDK 5 backward compatibility issues. This bug is solved. RS is still compatible with Android SDK 8+.
v1.4.3 Changes
June 03, 2013** π New module : AndroidORMLiteContentProvider
- Integration with AndroidORMLiteContentProvider
** π Features :
- π RoboSpice drops support for SDK 6 and 7. SDK 8+ required.
- β¬οΈ Upgrade to android maven plugin 3.6.0, adt 22, and SDK 17.
- Request priority management is now built into RoboSpice. Requests with higher priority will get executed first. This is only taken into account for requests that exceed the number of threads of RoboSpice Service, otherwise this is not used. Thanks to Volley for inspiring us on this feature. Richard Hyndman and Nick Butcher suggested us to add this a while ago.. Thx Google ! :)
- β Add cachekey sanitation. Sanitation can be used to safely convert strings to cache keys persisted on a file system. Issue
- 0οΈβ£ Retry Policy is now built into RoboSpice. Requests default to a non null retry policy that can be customized.
- RoboSpice file caching now uses a customizable cache folder to store data. Thx to David Sobreira Marques for this feature.
- π new SpiceManager method : putDataInCache, equivalent to putInCache but synchronous.
- β‘οΈ Retrofit module's API improved. RetrofitSpiceRequest optimize creation of retrofit services. Thx to Jake Wharton for his feedback on this module.
** π Bug fixes :
- π RoboSpice can now clean file cache at startup using removeAllDataFromCache. Thx to David Sobreira Marques for this bug fix.
v1.4.2 Changes
May 20, 2013** π New module : Retrofit
- π New Retrofit module added to RoboSpice !! It is now very easy to use Retrofit
** π Features :
- π New method "putInCache" added to spiceManager. Thanks to Christopher Jenkins fur suggesting this feature in
** π Bugs :
- Spice Manager : getDataFromCache, addToCache and cancel will work even if network is down. This bug was mentionned by dkraus in
- π Content Provider module added to ease creation of ContentProviders backed by an ORMLite Database. (still in beta, waiting for AndroidORMLite to be released on central).
v1.4.1 Changes
May 11, 2013RoboSpice core : ** π Support for null RequestListener. Thx to chrisjenx. Issue #48 ** Issue #62. Thanks to doridori.
RoboSpice cache : ** DurationInMillis constants names were confusing (even for contributors !!). We got that clear now. ** β Added LRU ObjectPersister from David Stemmer, Mike Jancola ** β Added BitmapRequest to ease getting Bitmap data ** β More testing.
Spring Android module : ** β Add Jackson 2.1 support. Feature suggested by James Campbell. ** π Fixed issue Thx to Aaron Pickard
Google Http Java Client for Android module : ** minor changes
ORM-Lite module : ** #Issue 93 solved thanks to Aaron Pickard **
π» UI SpiceList module : ** π¨ UI SpiceList APIs got refactored. The new API is not backward compatible but is much more simple and elegant to implement. ** π» UI SpiceList now uses the BitmapRequest from the core module to download bitmap and cache them scaled and downsampled. ** Thx to Sergej KoΕ‘Δejev for adding parent parameter in view creation
A beta version of Retrofit module is also available on the github repo.
v1.4.0 Changes
February 08, 2013β¨ Enhancements :
- Riccardo Ciovati joined the team.
- β Added removeAllDataFromCache overload in spice manager : thx to Kaan Meralan
- β Added retrofit module with tests and samples
- β¨ Enhanced cancel mechanism
- β¨ Enhanced core testing and extension testing.
- β Added first UI module in RoboSpice to create ListViews using RoboSpice.
- CacheKey is now of type Object and not String anymore. Thx to Fernando Franco GΓraldez for his pull request.
- β Added dedicated services to each module. They provide all configurations out of the box for processing web services and caching.
- β¨ Enhanced NetworkStateChecker interface in order to refine permission checking and allow real processing of request that are not related to networking.
- Peer review of multi tasking aspects of RoboSpice by Henri Tremblay.
- Hosted on Sonar's Nemo.
π Documentation :
- β Added documentation on Wiki pages for Advanced RoboSpice usages and FAQ, samples, maven and non maven setup, software design, contributors, etc.
- β Added samples for most of the RoboSpice extensions.
- β Added maven site
- β Added repository branch on GitHub to assist non maven users to setup RoboSpice.
- β¨ Enhanced javadocs
π Bug fix :
- Minor bugs of undesired aggregation of offline requests solved. Thanks to djusv.
- Minor bugs solved in persistence module.
- Minor bug in GsonObjectPersister solved. Thx to Alessio Bianchi.
For contributors :
- Completely reviewed maven structure. Introduction of an easier extension mechanism and simpler samples. Thx to pommedeterresautΓ©
- All project layouts inside RoboSpice are mavenized
- β Added wiki pages for contributors, common tasks and so on.
v1.3.1 Changes
December 01, 2012- π Bug fix release, listeners where not detached properly
v1.3.0 Changes
- β Added Google Http Java Client support via the robospice-google-http-client-module
- β Added Google Http Java Client persistence module for Json (Xml support doesn't provide a generator and can't be added : see issue
- β‘οΈ Dependency conflicts solved : excluded xpp3 dependency, updated jackson version
- Spring Android module classes have been renamed to make room for other REST clients implementations.
- π Jerome Van Der Linden removed guava dependency, introduced Apache Commons dependency.
- β Added tests for getAllDataFromCache on persisters
- β Added test for ormlite module
- Solved listener notification bug. Thx to Vincent Lemeunier
- π¨ Refactored request cancelation mechanism. Thx to Philippe Prados for help with handlers.
- β Added tests for request cancelation mechanism.
- π RoboSpice reached the milestone of 103 tests. This is also a QA release.
v1.2.0 Changes
November 12, 2012- β Added network stating indirection in RequestProcessor. Thx to Pierre Durand
- β Added a check in request classes to verify that requests are not inner classes of activities as this would create a memory leak. Thx to Cyril Mottier.
- π fixed bug in InFileObjetPersister. Thx to florianmski
- π fixed bug in json and xml persisters
- β Added json gson and jackson and xml simple serializer tests.
- β Added network state test.
- β Added multiple object persister test.
v1.1.1 Changes
π Bug fix :
- β¨ enhanced SpiceManager cpu usage. There used to be a bug in case a service had no request to process that boosted cpu usage. Thx to Riccardo Ciovati.
- β¨ enhanced ORM Lite support : tables are created fully dynamically for all POJOs saved via the ORMLiteObjectPersisterFactory. No need to provide a specific factory for every class of IDs used by persisted POJOs.
- π better RoboSpice Motivations icon
- β Added RoboSpice Motivations to Google Play
v1.1.0 Changes
October 24, 2012- β Added RoboSpice Motivations to repo as a RoboSpice demo app and in-depth argumentation for RoboSpice existence.
- β Added RoboSpice Motivations to the Google Play store.
- β Added Json Serialization support using Gson (Jackson is also supported since V1.0)
- β Added Xml Serialization support using SimpleXMLSerializer
- β Added Orm Serialization support using OrmLite
- Permission check : applications must declare both INTERNET and NETWORK_STATE permission.
- β Added getFromCache method in SpiceManager to query cache content.
- β Added progress monitoring for requests (both status and progress percent).
- β Added common foreground service for all SpiceManagers using the same service class.
- Requests are now completely decoupled from Activity life cycle.
- Service stops when no more requests are active and no SpiceManager is bound.
- β Added methods to get data in cache if present
- β Added methods to add listeners to a pending request if present.
- β Added support for creating notifications for a request through a new service helper.
- π Allow to cancel pending requests from new Activity.
- β¬οΈ All logs in RoboSpice now use a downgraded version of RoboGuice's logging facility : π²
- β Added the ability to provide a custom executor service to the SpiceService's RequestProcessor. Thx to Riccardo Ciovati.
- β Added RoboSpice presentation in the download area of Git Hub
- β Added all RoboSpice related gfx to GitHub repo.
- β Added google discussion group
- β Added Starter Guide on Git hub Wiki