
One of the challenges of Mobile Development is dealing with third-party integrations and particularly the automated testing of such integrations. Push Messaging using FCM is one such case, where the impact of the integration breaking can be high, particularly during a campaign or hotfix release. Let’s have a look at how we can fully automate the testing to make sure our FCM integrations never break again.
Using Gradle buildSrc can harm your build time and iteration speed. We can avoid this and improve our project using composite builds.
Many apps face a similar challenge. Where do we put common logic for all of our screens? A base class is often the solution, but it can become a nasty beast.
Most people would agree they are a necessary and core part of modern software development, but they can come at a cost. Ignoring this cost may bite you hard in the future. Let’s discuss these costs and why is it important to carefully manage your feature flags in order to reap the benefits.
Evaluation of different methods how and when to load data within Android ViewModel, how to trigger this loading and manage the LiveData.
Article talking about how to monitor your app performance effectively with Google Vitals and also why you should actually do it.
TestObserver to easily test LiveData and make assertions on them.