
Starting a software project is not an easy task, and Android is no exception. There’s a bunch of complex decisions to make, such as code conventions, app architecture, frameworks, libraries, continuous integrations, and best practices, to mention a few. That’s why we created Gong, to consolidate all our discussions and research in one base project that we could use to boost our productivity and give other teams a solid base from which to start their projects.
Jetpack Compose offers a Material theme implementation to have consistent look and feel throughout the whole app.
Material allows us to have a uniform UI that follows Android UI best practices and guidelines, but at the same time, it’s super rigid and limited when the app needs a more complex UI customization level.
In this post, we’ll learn how to adapt, customize and extend Compose Material Theme in order to fulfill your app UI requirements and get rid of material limitations.
Gradle plugin to deploy Android Snapshot Versions
Android Kotlin paged endpoints made easy