All Versions
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Avg Release Cycle
21 days
Latest Release
606 days ago

Changelog History
Page 8

  • v4.6.4 Changes

    • Add a feature where the images of in-app notifications will be
    • cached locally after the first successful download
  • v4.6.3 Changes

    • Fix a bug where the user defined listener (by calling mMixpanel.getPeople().addOnMixpanelUpdatesReceivedListener()) is not called on new variants receiving
  • v4.6.1 Changes

    • The Mixpanel library no longer uses the default SSLSocketFactory from the system schema registry, instead preferring the system defaults. Most users will not need to make any changes to their integrations. To change the SSL settings that the Mixpanel library uses, call MPConfig.getInstance(context).setSSLSocketFactory(socketFactory)
  • v4.6 Changes

    • Mixpanel A/B testing is now supported on Android. Users can register and recieve A/B testing tweaks and alter application look and feel using the Mixpanel A/B testing tool.

    • Addition of trackMap(String, Map) registerSuperPropertiesMap(String, Map) registerSuperPropertiesOnceMap(String, Map) setMap(Map) setOnceMap(Map<String, Object)

    which allow updates to properties and user profiles without requiring the construction of a JSONObject.

    • updateSuperProperties() which allows users to update super properties in place, in a thread-safe manner.

    • addition of merge() to the People API

    • Many Mixpanel logtags have changed to conform to the expectation that all logtags should be under 23 characters long.

    • Added a new configuration for flush interval when the app is in debug mode, defaults to 1 second

  • v4.5.3 Changes

    • Disable $app_open event by default. Users can opt-in to sending automatic $app_open events by adding
      <meta-data android:name=""
           android:value="false" />
  • v4.5.2 Changes

    • Low level features to allow for more advanced push notifications

    • Bugfix, honor DisableFallback setting in checks for surveys and in-app notifications

  • v4.5.1 Changes

    • Update pom to allow users of gradle and maven to use the library without specifying packaging aar packaging.

    • Fix issue that prevented building from source in Eclipse

  • v4.5 Changes

    • Introducing dynamic event binding! Developers and stakeholders can now bind Mixpanel events to user interactions using the UI in the Mixpanel web application.

    • added timeEvent, for automatically adding duration to events with a begin and end.

    • New configuration directives

    The 4.5 version of the library allows for meta-data of the form

     <meta-data android:name=""
          android:value="YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME" />

    This tag will only be useful in specific circumstances, for users with certain kinds of exotic custom builds. Most users of the library will not require it. (You'll get messages in your logs if the library thinks that you need it)

     <meta-data android:name=""
          android:value="true" />

    When included in your Manifest with value="true", this tag disables the use of the connection 💻 gesture to the mobile event binding UI in the Mixpanel web application. Events created and bound in the UI will still be sent by the application, this directive just disables use the connection gesture to pair with a Mixpanel to create and edit event bindings. If the application is run in an emulator, it will still check for pairing with the editor.

     <meta-data android:name=""
          android:value="true" />

    When included in your Manifest with value="true", this tag disables pairing with the mobile 💻 event binding UI in the Mixpanel web application. Events created and bound in the UI will still be sent by the application, this directive just disables the emulator binding behavior. Use of the connection gesture on a physical device will still work for pairing with the editor.

    • Easier use of Proguard with the library

    To use the Mixpanel library with Proguarded builds, add the following to your proguard.cfg file

    -keep class** { *; }
    -keep class** { *; }
    -keep class** { *; }
    -keep class** { *; }
    -keep class** { *; }
    -keepattributes InnerClasses
    -keep class **.R
    -keep class **.R$* {

    Mixpanel uses the R class of your package to facilitate easier dynamic tracking across builds of your application.

    • The deprecated methods setFlushInterval and checkForSurvey are now no-ops

    This method was deprecated in version 4.0, and now is a no-op. To change the flush interval for your application, use the meta-data tag in your manifest. To get available surveys, call getSurveyIfAvailable()

    • The minimum Android OS version necessary for surveys, in-app notifications, and dynamic event binding has been increased to JellyBean/API 16. The minimum OS version to use basic tracking features has been increased to Gingerbread/API 9.
  • v4.4.1 Changes

    • Improved support for Push notifications in Android Lollipop/API
      1. Users sending push notifications to Lollipop devices should include some version of Google Play Services in their build. In include Google Play Services, add the following to your build.gradle file:
       compile "" // Any version above 3.1 will work
  • v4.3.1 Changes

    • This is a bugfix release only, to alter the handling of Surveys and In-App notifications when activities are removed or move to the background.