Kommunicate Live Chat SDK v2.1.2 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-12-09 // almost 4 years ago
    • โž• Added Flexbox layout for rich messages. This optimises the quick replies, check boxes and radio button rich messages. Also fixes spacing issues with large texts in checkboxes
    • โž• Added support for prefilled messages when a conversation is opened via KmConversationBuilder. Use the property setPreFilledMessage("<YOUR_MESSAGE>") of KmConversation builder.
    • โž• Added fb icon for conversations started from facebook
    • ๐Ÿ“‡ Renamed all classes starting with Al/Applozic to Km, resources starting with applozic/al to km, string names starting with applozic/al to km. If any of these is used in the code, just replace them accordingly.
    • ๐Ÿ›  Fixed issue where audio permission was not displaying when audio record button was clicked
    • ๐Ÿ›  Fixed issue where the feedback message sent from device was not reflecting in dashboard.

Previous changes from v2.1.1

    • โž• Added setting to enable disable CSAT rating from the dashboard
    • ๐Ÿ‘Œ Improved the audio quality via recording
    • โž• Added setting to change the toolbar title and subtitle colors
    • โž• Added message character limit