Moshi v1.6.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2018-05-15 // almost 6 years ago
  • 2018-05-14

    • Moshi now supports codegen for Kotlin. We've added a new annotation processor that generates a small and fast JSON adapter for your Kotlin types. It can be used on its own or with the existing KotlinJsonAdapterFactory adapter.

    • Moshi now resolves all type parameters. Previously Moshi wouldn't resolve type parameters on top-level classes.

    • New: Support up to 255 levels of nesting when reading and writing JSON. Previously Moshi would reject JSON input that contained more than 32 levels of nesting.

    • New: Write encoded JSON to a stream with JsonWriter.value(BufferedSource). Use this to emit a JSON value without decoding it first.

    • New: JsonAdapter.nonNull() returns a new JSON adapter that forbids explicit nulls in the JSON body. Use this to detect and fail eagerly on unwanted nulls.

    • New: JsonReader.skipName() is like nextName() but it avoids allocating when a name is unknown. Use this when JsonReader.selectName() returns -1.

    • New: Automatic module name of com.squareup.moshi for use with the Java Platform Module System. This moves moshi-adapters into its own .adapters package and forwards the existing adapter. It moves the moshi-kotlin into its own .kotlin.reflect package and forwards the existing adapter.

    • New: Upgrade to Okio 1.14.0.

    • Fix: Fail fast if there are trailing non-whitespace characters in the JSON passed to JsonAdapter.fromJson(String). Previously such data was ignored!

    • Fix: Fail fast when Kotlin types are abstract, inner, or object instances.

    • Fix: Fail fast if name() is called out of sequence.

    • Fix: Handle asymmetric Type.equals() methods when doing type comparisons. Previously it was possible that a registered type adapter would not be used because its Type.equals() method was not consistent with a user-provided type.

    • Fix: JsonValueReader.selectString() now returns -1 for non-strings instead of throwing.

    • Fix: Permit reading numbers as strings when the JsonReader was created from a JSON value. This was always supported when reading from a stream but broken when reading from a decoded value.

    • Fix: Delegate to user-adapters in the adapter for Object.class. Previously when Moshi encountered an opaque Object it would only use the built-in adapters. With this change user-installed adapters for types like String will always be honored.