okhttp v3.8.0 Release Notes

  • 2017-05-13

    • OkHttp now uses @Nullable to annotate all possibly-null values. We've added a compile-time dependency on the JSR 305 annotations. This is a [provided][maven_provided] dependency and does not need to be included in your build configuration, .jar file, or .apk. We use @ParametersAreNonnullByDefault and all parameters and return types are never null unless explicitly annotated @Nullable.

    • Warning: this release is source-incompatible for Kotlin users. Nullability was previously ambiguous and lenient but now the compiler will enforce strict null checks.

    • New: The response message is now non-null. This is the "Not Found" in the status line "HTTP 404 Not Found". If you are building responses programmatically (with new Response.Builder()) you must now always supply a message. An empty string "" is permitted. This value was never null on responses returned by OkHttp itself, and it was an old mistake to permit application code to omit a message.

    • The challenge's scheme and realm are now non-null. If you are calling new Challenge(scheme, realm) you must provide non-null values. These were never null in challenges created by OkHttp, but could have been null in application code that creates challenges.

    • New: The TlsVersion of a Handshake is now non-null. If you are calling Handshake.get() with a null TLS version, you must instead now provide a non-null TlsVersion. Cache responses persisted prior to OkHttp 3.0 did not store a TLS version; for these unknown values the handshake is defaulted to TlsVersion.SSL_3_0.

    • New: Upgrade to Okio 1.13.0.

    • Fix: gracefully recover when Android 7.0's sockets throw an unexpected NullPointerException.