okhttp v4.8.0 Release Notes

  • 2020-07-11

    • New: Change HeldCertificate.Builder to use its own ASN.1 certificate encoder. This is part of our effort to remove the okhttp-tls module's dependency on Bouncy Castle. We think Bouncy Castle is great! But it's a large dependency (6.5 MiB) and its security provider feature impacts VM-wide behavior.

    • New: Reduce contention for applications that make a very high number of concurrent requests. Previously OkHttp used its connection pool as a lock when making changes to connections and calls. With this change each connection is locked independently.

    • Upgrade: [Okio 2.7.0][okio_2_7_0].

    • Fix: Avoid log messages like "Didn't find class org.conscrypt.ConscryptHostnameVerifier" when detecting the TLS capabilities of the host platform.

    • Fix: Don't crash in HttpUrl.topPrivateDomain() when the hostname is malformed.

    • Fix: Don't attempt Brotli decompression if the response body is empty.