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Showing projects tagged as Custom View, Android, Kotlin, and Android-library
Material Chip View
7.1 2.7 KotlinMaterial Chip view. Can be used as tags for categories, contacts or creating text clouds -
Pdf Viewer For Android
6.5 6.7 KotlinA Lightweight PDF Viewer Android library which only occupies around 80kb while most of the Pdf viewer occupies up to 16MB space. -
Carousel Recyclerview
5.5 0.0 KotlinCarousel Recyclerview let's you create carousel layout with the power of recyclerview by creating custom layout manager. -
Aesthetic Dialogs for Android 📱
5.5 5.0 Kotlin📱 An Android Library for 💫fluid, 😍beautiful, 🎨custom Dialogs. -
5.0 0.0 KotlinAndroid sliding panel that is part of the view hierarchy, not above it. -
3.1 6.4 KotlinComposeShadowsPlus: Elevate your Android Compose UI with stunning custom shadows -
2.6 5.8 KotlinComposeScrollbars: Polish your Android Compose UI with advanced scrollbars -
Google Places AutoComplete EditText
2.6 0.6 KotlinDISCONTINUED. A simple library that can connect your autocomplete edittext to Google places api -
Checkable TextView [KOTLIN]
2.6 0.0 KotlinA simple and flexible Checked TextView or Checkable TextView -
2.4 0.0 KotlinRasmView is an Android drawing view; it provides a view that allows users to draw on top of a bitmap. -
2.3 6.0 KotlinComposeLevitation: Empower your Android Compose UI with mesmerizing levitation effects -
2.2 6.0 KotlinComposeFadingEdges: Enrich your Android Compose UI with fading edges -
1.5 0.0 KotlinA sleek, out of the box, easy to understand and use, swipe gesture based Navigational Library for android. -
Composable Button Toggle Group
1.3 3.2 KotlinComposableButtonToggleGroup is the implementation of MaterialButtonToggleGroup for Jetpack Compose