

Android library which makes detecting gestures a breeze.

The library is built for simplicity and ease of use. It eliminates most boilerplate code for dealing with setting up gesture detection on Android.

Code Quality Rank: L4
Programming language: Java
License: Apache License 2.0
Tags: Sensor     Gesture     Motion    
Latest version: v1.9.0

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Android library which makes playing with sensor events & detecting gestures a breeze. The library is built for simplicity and ease of use. It eliminates most boilerplate code for dealing with setting up sensor based event and gesture detection on Android. <!-- Bintray --> <!-- API --> <!-- Android Arsenal --> <!-- Android Sweets --> <!-- Android Dev Digest --> <!-- Android Dev Digest --> <!-- Android Weekly --> <!-- Android Weekly --> <!-- Number of Android apps (AppBrain) --> <!-- Awesome Android --> <!-- GitHub stars --> <!-- GitHub forks --> <!-- GitHub watchers --> <!-- Say Thanks! --> <!-- GitHub followers --> <!-- Twitter Follow -->

Also featured in [Awesome Android Newsletter #Issue 5 , #Issue 21 ], Codepath's Must Have Libraries , COBE’s Top 5 Android Libraries — September 2016 , Best Android Libraries for Developers , DZone , Changelog Weekly Issue #115

Blog Post: I could not find a simple Gesture Detection android library, so I built one

Built with ❤︎ by Nishant Srivastava and contributors

Screenshot of sample app

[sc1](img/sc1.png) [sc2](img/sc2.png)

Supported gestures/events

Gesture Methods Usage
Flip onFaceUponFaceDown Link
Light onDarkonLight Link
Orientation onTopSideUponBottomSideUponLeftSideUponRightSideUp Link
PinchScale onScaleonScaleStartonScaleEnd Link
Proximity onNearonFar Link
Shake onShakeDetectedonShakeStopped Link
Wave onWave Link
Chop onChop Link
WristTwist onWristTwist Link
Movement onMovementonStationary Link
SoundLevel onSoundDetected Link
RotationAngle onRotation Link
TiltDirection onTiltInAxisXonTiltInAxisYonTiltInAxisZ Link
Scoop onScooped Link
PickupDevice onDevicePickedUponDevicePutDown Link
Steps stepInformation Link
TouchType onDoubleTaponScroll(direction)onSingleTaponSwipeLeftonSwipeRightonLongPressonTwoFingerSingleTaponThreeFingerSingleTap Link


Starting with 1.0.1, Changes exist in the releases tab.

Including in your project

Sensey is available in the Jcenter, so getting it as simple as adding it as a dependency

implementation 'com.github.nisrulz:sensey:{latest version}'

where {latest version} corresponds to published version in Download

Simple example

  • To initialize Sensey under your onCreate() in the activity/service, call
  • To stop Sensey, under your onDestroy() in the activity/service, call
 // *** IMPORTANT ***
 // Stop Sensey and release the context held by it
  • Next to enable shake detection

    • Create an instance of ShakeListener
  ShakeDetector.ShakeListener shakeListener=new ShakeDetector.ShakeListener() {
      @Override public void onShakeDetected() {
         // Shake detected, do something

     @Override public void onShakeStopped() {
         // Shake stopped, do something
  • Now to start listening for Shake gesture, pass the instance shakeListener to startShakeDetection() function

If you want to modify the threshold and time before declaring that shake gesture is stopped, use

  • To stop listening for Shake gesture, pass the instance shakeListener to stopShakeDetection() function

:page_with_curl: For more info , check the Wiki Docs

Pull Requests

I welcome and encourage all pull requests. It usually will take me within 24-48 hours to respond to any issue or request. Here are some basic rules to follow to ensure timely addition of your request:

  1. Match coding style (braces, spacing, etc.) This is best achieved using CMD+Option+L (Reformat code) on Mac (not sure for Windows) with Android Studio defaults. This project uses a modified version of Grandcentrix's code style, so please use the same when editing this project.
  2. If its a feature, bugfix, or anything please only change code to what you specify.
  3. Please keep PR titles easy to read and descriptive of changes, this will make them easier to merge :)
  4. Pull requests must be made against develop branch. Any other branch (unless specified by the maintainers) will get rejected.
  5. Check for existing issues first, before filing an issue.
  6. Have fun!

References of Sensey

Sensey is being used in production apps as well as research & development for thesis at universities.

[Click here for the full list of references](references/Readme.md)


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, click here for the full license.

Author & Contributors

This project was created by Nishant Srivastava but hopefully developed and maintained by many others. See the the list of contributors here.

Ways You Can Help/Support this project

Thanks for your interest in this software :heart:

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the Sensey README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.