58 TextView/EditText Widget packages and projects

  • richeditor-android

    9.4 0.0 L3 Java
    RichEditor for Android is a beautiful Rich Text WYSIWYG Editor for Android.
  • HTextView

    9.2 0.0 L3 Java
    Animation effects to text, not really textview
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  • ExpandableTextView

    9.0 0.0 L5 Java
    Android's TextView that can expand/collapse like the Google Play's app description
  • android-autofittextview

    9.0 0.0 Java
    A TextView that automatically resizes text to fit perfectly within its bounds.
  • emojicon

    9.0 0.0 Java
    A library to show emoji in TextView, EditText (like WhatsApp) for Android
  • TextSurface

    8.2 0.0 L4 Java
    A little animation framework which could help you to show message in a nice looking way
  • Titanic

    8.2 0.0 Java
    DISCONTINUED. Android experiment showing a sinking TextView
  • TextJustify-Android

    8.0 0.0 L4 Java
    DISCONTINUED. Android Text Full Jusiftication / Wrapping / Justify
  • android-edittext-validator

    7.8 0.0 L5 Java
    Android form edit text is an extension of EditText that brings data validation facilities to the edittext.
  • ReadMoreTextView

    7.7 0.0 L5 Java
    A Custom TextView with trim text
  • TokenAutoComplete

    7.6 3.5 L4 Kotlin
    Gmail style MultiAutoCompleteTextView for Android
  • advanced-textview

    7.1 0.0 L5 Java
    Advanced Android TextView
  • Squircle IDE

    6.9 7.2 Kotlin
    👨‍💻 Squircle CE is a fast and free multi-language code editor for Android
  • AutoLinkTextView

    6.8 0.0 L5 Java
    AutoLinkTextView is TextView that supports Hashtags (#), Mentions (@) , URLs (http://), Phone and Email automatically detecting and ability to handle clicks.
  • MatchView

    6.7 0.0 Java
    Include MatchTextView and MatchButton..Come..you will like it
  • material-code-input

    6.6 0.0 L5 Java
    A material style input for codes
  • Android-RobotoTextView

    6.2 0.0 L2 Java
    Implementation of a TextView and all its direct/indirect subclasses with native support for the Roboto fonts, includes the brand new Roboto Slab fonts.
  • WaitingDots

    6.1 0.0 Kotlin
    Small library that provides... bouncing dots. This feature is used in number of messaging apps (such as Hangouts or Messenger), and lately in Android TV (for example when connecting to Wifi).
  • icarus-android

    6.1 0.0 JavaScript
    [DISCONTINUED] Rrich text editor for android platform. 安卓富文本编辑器,暂停维护
  • BabushkaText

    5.9 0.0 L5 Java
    A simpler way to style your TextViews
  • BubbleTextView

    5.9 0.0 L4 Java
    Android Bubble View
  • SecretTextView

    5.8 0.0 L5 Java
    A TextView that simulates the effect from the app Secret where the characters fade in/out at different speeds.
  • passwordview

    5.8 0.0 Java
    A Material Android password view that toggles password visibility via an eye icon.
  • RoundedLetterView

    5.8 0.0 L5 Java
    RoundedLetterView like the one in Android 5.0 Contacts app
  • AwesomeText

    5.7 0.0 Java
    A tool that facilitates working with Spans on TextViews or any extension of them (EditTexts, Buttons...).
  • Masked-Edittext

    5.5 0.0 L4 Java
    Android library contain custom realisation of EditText component for masking and formatting input text
  • CircleTimerView

    5.5 0.0 Java
    Circular timer on Android platform.
  • PlacesAutocompleteTextView

    5.5 0.0 L3 Java
    An address-autocompleting text field for Android
  • SuperNova-Emoji

    5.0 0.0 Java
    library to implement and render emojis For Android
  • PasswordEditText

    4.9 0.0 Java
    A custom EditText with a switchable icon which shows or hides the password
  • AnimatedEditText

    4.8 0.0 Java
    Androids EditText that animates the typed text. EditText is extended to create AnimatedEditText and a PinEntryEditText.
  • chips-edittext-library

    4.8 0.0
    Chips EditText, Token EditText, Bubble EditText, Spannable EditText and etc.. There are many names of this control. Here I develop easy to understand , modify and integrate Chips Edit Text widget for Android
  • AndroidFloatLabel

    4.7 0.0 L5 Java
    Float Label Edit Texts for Android
  • AnimTextView

    4.7 0.0 L3 Java
  • EmailAutoCompleteTextView

    4.6 0.0 Java
    An AutoCompleteTextView with builtin Adapter with the emails in the device.
  • CurrencyEditText

    4.5 0.0 L5 Java
    A module designed to encapsulate the use of an Android EditText field for gathering currency information from a user. Supports all ISO-3166 compliant locales/currencies.
  • AutosizeEditText

    4.4 0.0 L5 Java
    AutosizeEditText for Android is an extension of native EditText that offer a smooth auto scale text size.
  • FloatingLabel

    4.3 0.0 L4 Java
    Android Floating Label
  • SizeAdjustingTextView

    4.1 0.0 L5 Java
    This is based on an open source autosizing textview for Android.
  • ParkedTextView

    4.0 0.0 L5 Java
    A editable text with a constant text/placeholder for Android.
  • Android-SingleInputForm

    3.6 0.0 L4 Java
    A single EditText instead of a classical form. Library that implements flavienlaurent's singleinputform
  • android-formidable-validation

    3.4 0.0 Java
    Form validation and feedback library for Android. Provides .setText for more than just TextView and EditText widgets. Provides easy means to validate with dependencies.
  • anytextview

    3.4 0.0 Java
    An extension of Android's TextView, EditText and Button that let's you use the font of your choice
  • MaskFormatter

    3.3 0.0 L5 Java
    Add text masking functionality to Android EditText. It will prevent user from inserting not allowed signs, and format input as well.
  • AndroidCurrencyEditText

    3.1 2.8 Kotlin
    💰 A library to dynamically format your EditTexts to take currency inputs
  • CustomEditText

    3.0 0.0 Kotlin
    Customized and RoundedEditText
  • KerningViews

    3.0 0.0 L5 Java
    Provides a set of views which allows to adjust the spacing between the characters of that view, AKA, Kerning effect.
  • PathEffectTextView

    2.6 0.0 Java
    Path effect for text.
  • Checkable TextView [KOTLIN]

    2.6 0.0 Kotlin
    A simple and flexible Checked TextView or Checkable TextView
  • AccountAutoCompleteEditText

    2.6 0.0 Java
    Simple extension for account suggestion and auto completion.
  • SimpleLinkableText

    2.3 0.0 Java
    Simple way to create linked text, such as @username or #hashtag, in Android TextView and EditText
  • Customized and Expandable TextView

    2.2 0.0 Java
    Customized and Expandable TextView
  • Linker

    1.6 0.0 Java
    Lightweight android library for highlighting sections of a textview, with optional callbacks.
  • Android-Typeahead

    0.8 0.0 L4 Java
    Awesome Android Typeahead library - User mention plugin, UI widget for auto complete user mention using the at sign (@) like Twitter or Facebook.
  • ShowHidePasswordView

    0.5 0.0 Java
    Custom view with ShowHidePassword view.
  • CutableTextView

    0.5 0.0 Java
    CutableTextView - the super lightweight library that helps to you cut long text. ✂️
  • EditTextviewLibrary

    0.4 0.0 Java
    A Library to manage properties of Edittext and Textview
  • Text Path Animation for Android

    0.3 0.0
    TextPathView is a Android library in which view with text path animation!

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