Kommunicate Live Chat SDK v1.9.3 Release Notes

Release Date: 2019-12-02 // over 4 years ago
  • 🔋 Features:-

    ➕ Added launch and create method in conversation builder. It works as below:
    a) If there are no conversations, create a new conversation and open it.
    b) If there is only one conversation, open it.
    c) If there are multiple conversations, open the conversation list screen.

    Below is the code to launch the conversation:

       new KmConversationBuilder(context).setAppId("<Your-App-Id>")
                            .launchAndCreateIfEmpty(new KmCallback() {
                        public void onSuccess(Object message) {
                        public void onFailure(Object error) {

    SDK is now present under kommunicate organization in bintray. The SDK needs to be imported using below path:

       implementation 'io.kommunicate.sdk:kommunicateui:1.9.3'