UI packages

Showing projects tagged as Android-library, Layout, UI Widget, Views, Android, and UI

  • Epoxy

    9.5 3.0 Java
    Epoxy is an Android library for building complex screens in a RecyclerView
  • FancyToast-Android

    7.2 0.0 Java
    Make your native android Toasts Fancy. A library that takes the standard Android toast to the next level with a variety of styling options. Style your toast from code.
  • Zoom Recyler Layout

    5.9 0.0 Kotlin
    🎢 Zoom Recycler Layout Manager For Android Kotlin
  • sliding-panel

    5.0 0.0 Kotlin
    Android sliding panel that is part of the view hierarchy, not above it.
  • SegmentedProgressBar

    4.3 0.0 Kotlin
    An instagram-like segmented progress bar
  • Android SegmentedControl + multi row support

    3.2 0.0 Java
    Android SegmentedControl + multi row support
  • Checkable TextView [KOTLIN]

    2.6 0.0 Kotlin
    A simple and flexible Checked TextView or Checkable TextView
  • Clock View

    2.2 0.0 Java
    A full options clock view
  • ItemSettingView

    1.2 0.0 Kotlin
    Customizable Item Setting View Android
  • Blinker View for Android

    0.5 0.0 Java
    DISCONTINUED. A variant of Android View that blinks only the source image (not the background)