Custom View packages

Showing projects tagged as Android, Android-library, Animations, and Custom View

  • PhotoEditor

    9.1 7.1 Kotlin
    A Photo Editor library with simple, easy support for image editing using paints,text,filters,emoji and Sticker like stories.
  • Bubble Navigation

    7.7 2.1 Java
    ๐ŸŽ‰ [Android Library] A light-weight library to easily make beautiful Navigation Bar with ton of ๐ŸŽจ customization option.
  • ColorPickerView

    7.5 6.7 Java
    ๐ŸŽจ Android colorpicker for getting colors from any images by tapping on the desired color.
  • PowerMenu

    7.0 3.3 Java
    :fire: Powerful and modernized popup menu with fully customizable animations.
  • Zoom Recyler Layout

    5.9 0.0 Kotlin
    ๐ŸŽข Zoom Recycler Layout Manager For Android Kotlin
  • Direct Select for Android

    5.3 0.0 Java
    :octocat: โ‰ก DirectSelect is a selection widget with an ethereal, full-screen modal popup displaying the available choices when the widget is interact with.
  • ๐Ÿ‘ MediumClap-Android

    5.1 3.2 Kotlin
    ๐Ÿ‘ The Medium's Clapping Effect developed in Android
  • Android CodeView

    4.5 5.5 Java
    Android Library to make it easy to create an Code editor or IDE that support any languages and themes, with auto complete, auto indenting, snippets and more features
  • FlipTimerView

    4.3 0.0 Kotlin
    FlipTimerView library for Android
  • RatingReviews

    3.6 0.0 Java
    Simple rating bars, a view similar to the ones seen on Google Playstore. โญ๐ŸŒŸโœจ
  • MultiLamp

    3.5 0.0 Java
    Android library to showcase/highlight the multiple views on same overlay
  • PaintableVectorView

    3.1 0.0 Kotlin
    ๐ŸŽจ PaintableVectorView enables to change color of paths/groups in Vector Drawable (SVG) ๐ŸŽจ
  • MultiProgressBar

    2.9 0.0 Java
    Open source android library for different progress bar designs
  • ChocoBar

    2.9 0.0 Java
    The usual Snackbar with more ๐Ÿซ and colours :tada:
  • ComposeScrollbars

    2.6 5.8 Kotlin
    ComposeScrollbars: Polish your Android Compose UI with advanced scrollbars
  • OtpEditText

    2.6 0.0 Java
    A customised EditText view serving the purpose of taking numeric One Time Password from a user. With stunning animation, and high customizability.
  • Checkable TextView [KOTLIN]

    2.6 0.0 Kotlin
    A simple and flexible Checked TextView or Checkable TextView
  • FillProgressLayout

    2.4 0.0 Kotlin
    A simple and flexible Fillable Progress Layout written in Kotlin
  • ComposeLevitation

    2.3 6.0 Kotlin
    ComposeLevitation: Empower your Android Compose UI with mesmerizing levitation effects
  • EmojiReactionView

    2.3 0.0 Java
    Instagram's emoji reaction for android!
  • AndroidPdfViewer

    2.2 0.0 Java
    Lightweight PDF Renderer Android
  • ComposeFadingEdges

    2.2 6.0 Kotlin
    ComposeFadingEdges: Enrich your Android Compose UI with fading edges
  • LegacyTableView

    2.1 0.0 Java
    simple light weight android library for displaying tabulated data
  • ีสึ…ึ…ำ€รญีชาฝษพ โญ

    1.9 0.0 Kotlin
    A beautiful smooth slider for Android. ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ€
  • CircularDialogs

    1.8 0.0 Java
    Android dialog library to give user feedback about the common operations like Success, Warning and Errors.
  • FillingButton

    1.6 0.0 Kotlin
    ๐Ÿ”ฅReplace typical onLongClickListener with this library!
  • Duration View

    1.5 0.0 Java
    Depict durations in Android apps in a beautiful way
  • Facilis

    1.5 0.0 Kotlin
    A sleek, out of the box, easy to understand and use, swipe gesture based Navigational Library for android.
  • BlinkingLoader

    1.4 0.0 Java
    animated blinking loader
  • Animated-EditText

    1.4 0.0 Java
    Google forms like animation.