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Showing projects tagged as Kotlin, Android, Java, and Android-library
6.7 0.0 Kotlin🛠️ The missing drawable toolbox for Android. Create drawables programmatically and get rid of the boring and always repeated drawable.xml files. -
Material Dialogs for Android 📱
6.5 0.0 Java📱Android Library to implement animated, 😍beautiful, 🎨stylish Material Dialog in android apps easily. -
Youtube UI/UX Animation
6.3 0.0 KotlinWith MVVM Architecture pattern using Android Architecture Components This is a sample app demonstrating Youtube player animation using constraint layout -
Aesthetic Dialogs for Android 📱
5.5 5.0 Kotlin📱 An Android Library for 💫fluid, 😍beautiful, 🎨custom Dialogs. -
3.9 0.0 Kotlin[Android Library] Get easy access to device information super fast, real quick -
3.2 3.6 KotlinDISCONTINUED. Lightweight, minimalistic dependency injection library for Kotlin & Android -
Android Tamper Detector
3.0 0.0 KotlinDISCONTINUED. A simple library that can help you detect if you app is modded or tampered with -
ProgressDialog Library
2.3 6.8 KotlinA ProgressDialog Library for Android API 24+ apps provided by Techiness Overloaded (Developer name : Arunprasadh C). Quite Useful for showing progress during any operation. Has support for both Determinate and Indeterminate ProgressBar, Dark Theme, and NegativeButton. -
Stfalcon Fixturer
1.5 0.0 KotlinUtility for developers and QAs what helps minimize time wasting on writing the same data for testing over and over again. Made by Stfalcon -
1.4 0.0 KotlinLifecycleEvents library is an event bus implementation, using lifecycle from android architecture components and kotlin language features. -
1. AutoProxy
1.3 2.4 JavaAnnotation Processing Library. Generates proxy class on top of interface/abstract class, that allows to intercept calls. Also known as a design pattern: proxy, delegate, interceptor. -
0.7 0.0 JavaDISCONTINUED. Bringing Kotlin's scope functions and the safe call operator to Java -
Torch Provider
0.3 0.0 KotlinTorch is a simple-use library for Android hepls you to have an access on the flash light. -
Text Path Animation for Android
0.3 0.0TextPathView is a Android library in which view with text path animation!