hkm-progress-button alternatives and similar packages
Based on the "Button Widget" category.
Alternatively, view hkm-progress-button alternatives based on common mentions on social networks and blogs.
Button which is visible while user holds it. Main use case is controlling audio recording state (like in Telegram, Viber, VK). -
comtomize view submit button which you use for submit operation or download operation and so on. -
Composable Button Toggle Group
ComposableButtonToggleGroup is the implementation of MaterialButtonToggleGroup for Jetpack Compose -
Hugo Example
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Do you think we are missing an alternative of hkm-progress-button or a related project?
Rock Button
Base on android-process-button this is the advanced version of the android-process-button
Main Features
- [x] ActionProcessButton
- [x] ArrowButton
- [x] GenerateProcessButton
- [x] SubmitProcessButton
- [x] AnimationProcessButton
Android Buttons With Built-in Progress Meters. [](screenshots/sample1_small1.gif) [](screenshots/sample1_small2.gif) [](screenshots/new_sample.png) [](screenshots/diagram-v-0-0-2.png)
Read more with the development guide in Wiki
There are several attributes you can set:
attr | description | button module base |
pb_textProgress | the text content when the process is proceeding | ProcessButton |
pb_textComplete | the complete text | ProcessButton |
pb_textError | error message on the button | ProcessButton |
pb_colorProgress | the color resource reference on process | ProcessButton |
pb_colorComplete | the color resource reference on process completed | ProcessButton |
pb_colorError | the color resource reference when its error | ProcessButton |
pb_colorPressed | as read | FlatButton |
pb_colorNormal | as read | FlatButton |
pb_colorDisabled | as read | FlatButton |
pb_colorBorder | as read | FlatButton |
pb_borderWidth | as read | FlatButton |
pb_cornerRadius | as read | FlatButton |
pb_presentation | as read there are two options: pad_button, flat_button | FlatButton |
pb_colorArrow | color reference to tint the arrow | ArrowButton |
pb_arrowRes | the drawable reference for the button | ArrowButton |
pb_verticalPadding | dimension reference padding between top and bottom on the icon on right side | ArrowButton |
pb_topLineThickness | dimension reference for the line thickness on the top | ArrowButton |
pb_bottomLineThickness | dimension reference for the line thickness on the bottom | ArrowButton |
Code Sample
add_bag = (ActionProcessButton) findViewById(;
// set the progress mode on endless
// add success state color scheme as a button and not a sign
add_bag.setOnCompleteColorButton(R.color.green_800, R.color.green_900);
// add listener for click on the button for success state
add_bag.setOnClickCompleteState(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
Intent h = new Intent(context, CartWebViewStyleTopBar.class);
The lib is available on maven jitpack, so you will need to add a class path for custom repos
repositories {maven { url "" }}
dependencies {compile 'com.hkm:hkmprocessbuttons:1.2.4'}