100 Other Widget packages and projects

  • AndroidSlidingUpPanel

    9.7 0.0 L4 Java
    This library provides a simple way to add a draggable sliding up panel (popularized by Google Music and Google Maps) to your Android application. Brought to you by Umano.
  • AppIntro

    9.7 8.5 L5 Kotlin
    Make a cool intro for your Android app.
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  • BottomBar

    9.6 0.0 L4 Java
    (Deprecated) A custom view component that mimics the new Material Design Bottom Navigation pattern.
  • Litho (By Facebook)

    9.5 9.9 Kotlin
    A declarative framework for building efficient UIs on Android.
  • ShortcutBadger

    9.5 0.0 L4 Java
    An Android library supports badge notification like iOS in Samsung, LG, Sony and HTC launchers.
  • SystemBarTint

    9.4 0.0 L5 Java
    [DEPRECATED] Apply background tinting to the Android system UI when using KitKat translucent modes
  • cardslib

    9.3 0.0 L3 Java
    Android Library to build a UI Card
  • DragSortListView

    9.2 0.0 L5 Java
    Android ListView with drag and drop reordering.
  • TapTargetView

    9.1 5.2 L2 Java
    An implementation of tap targets from the Material Design guidelines for feature discovery.
  • android-viewbadger

    9.0 0.0 L5 Java
    [DEPRECATED] A simple way to "badge" any given Android view at runtime without having to cater for it in layout
  • AndroidViewHover

    8.9 0.0 L5 Java
    An elegant way to show your menu or messages.
  • android-iconify

    8.9 0.0 L4 Java
    Android integration of multiple icon providers such as FontAwesome, Entypo, Typicons,...
  • android-stackblur

    8.9 0.0 L2 Java
    Android StackBlur is a library that can perform a blurry effect on a Bitmap based on a gradient or radius, and return the result. The library is based on the code of Mario Klingemann.
  • DraggablePanel

    8.8 0.0 L5 Java
    DISCONTINUED. Android library used to create an awesome Android UI based on a draggable element similar to the last YouTube graphic component.
  • android-pdfview

    8.8 0.0 L3 Java
    [DEPRECATED] A fast PDF reader component for Android development
  • AndroidTreeView

    8.7 0.0 L4 Java
    AndroidTreeView. TreeView implementation for android
  • android-pathview

    8.7 0.0 L5 Java
    Android view with both path from constructed path or from svg.
  • aFileChooser

    8.6 0.0 L4 Java
    DISCONTINUED. [DEPRECATED] Android library that provides a file explorer to let users select files on external storage.
  • android-viewflow

    8.5 0.0 L2 Java
    DISCONTINUED. A horizontal view scroller library for Android
  • KenBurnsView

    8.5 0.0 L5 Java
    Android ImageViews animated by Ken Burns Effect
  • Swipecards

    8.5 0.0 Java
    A Tinder-like Android library to create the swipe cards effect. You can swipe left or right to like or dislike the content.
  • TourGuide

    8.4 0.0 L2 Kotlin
    TourGuide is an Android library that aims to provide an easy way to add pointers with animations over a desired Android View
  • AndroidQuery

    8.4 0.0 L2 Java
  • MaterialIntroScreen

    8.4 0.0 L1 Java
    Inspired by Heinrich Reimer Material Intro and developed with love from scratch
  • Flow

    8.4 0.0 L5 Java
    Name UI states, navigate between them, remember where you've been.
  • MultiSnapRecyclerView

    8.2 0.0 Kotlin
    Android library for multiple snapping of RecyclerView
  • TastyToast

    8.1 0.0 L4 Java
    :bread: Make your native android Toasts Tasty
  • android-segmented-control

    8.1 0.0 Java
    ios UISegmentedControl for android
  • chromeview

    8.1 0.0 L2 Java
    DISCONTINUED. Android WebView implementation that uses the latest Chromium code
  • StickyGridHeaders

    7.9 0.0 L5 Java
    DISCONTINUED. An Android Library that makes it easy to make grid views with sectioned data and headers that stick to the top.
  • AnimatedSvgView

    7.9 0.0 Java
    Animated SVG Drawing for Android
  • range-bar

    7.8 0.5 L3 Java
    DISCONTINUED. Android widget for selecting a range of values.
  • HoloColorPicker

    7.8 0.0 L3 Java
    An Android Holo themed colorpicker designed by Marie Schweiz
  • FloatingView

    7.8 0.0 L5 Java
    FloatingView can make the target view floating above the anchor view with cool animation
  • TileView

    7.7 0.0 L4 Java
    TileView is a subclass of android.view.ViewGroup that asynchronously displays, pans and zooms tile-based images. Plugins are available for features like markers, hotspots, and path drawing.
  • StandOut

    7.7 0.0 L4 Java
    StandOut lets you easily create floating windows in your Android app.
  • Android-SwipeToDismiss

    7.7 0.0 L2 Java
    Android swipe-to-dismiss mini-library and sample code
  • ElasticDownload

    7.7 0.0 Java
    We are not Gif makers, We are developers
  • Emoji

    7.6 8.6 L5 Kotlin
    A library to add Emoji support to your Android / iOS / JVM Application
  • Flashbar

    7.6 0.0 Kotlin
    ⚡️A highly customizable, powerful and easy-to-use alerting library for Android.
  • Bubbles for Android

    7.6 0.0 L5 Java
    Bubbles for Android is an Android library to provide chat heads capabilities on your apps. With a fast way to integrate with your development.
  • SwipeStack

    7.4 0.0 L5 Java
    DISCONTINUED. A simple, customizable and easy to use swipeable view stack for Android.
  • FancyCoverFlow

    7.4 0.0 L5 Java
    A cool Open Source CoverFlow view for Android with several fancy effects.
  • RippleView

    7.3 0.0 L3 Java
    View that imitates Ripple Effect on click which was introduced in Android L (for Android 2.3+)
  • Android-ActionItemBadge

    7.3 0.0 L3 Java
    This library offers a simple method to add a small badge icon to your ActionBar-MenuItem
  • NiftyNotification

    7.3 0.0 Java
    effects for android notifications
  • android-sliding-layer-lib

    7.2 0.0 L5 Java
    DISCONTINUED. Highly customizable SlidingLayer as you have seen in Wunderlist
  • ScratchView

    7.0 0.0 L4 Java
    ScratchView repo is UX Design involving scratch cards like views which are scratched to reveal the information they conceal.
  • SortableTableView

    7.0 0.0 L5 Java
    An Android library containing a simple TableView and an advanced SortableTableView providing a lot of customisation possibilities to fit all needs.
  • Android-Pdf-Viewer-Library

    6.9 0.0 L1 Java
    DEPRECATED - Pdf Viewer library for Android
  • android-uitableview

    6.9 0.0 L5 Java
    Library and example project on how to use the UITableView component
  • android-FlipView

    6.9 0.0 L5 Java
    A small, easy to use android library for implementing flipping between views as seen in the popular Flipboard application
  • material-animated-switch

    6.9 0.0 L5 Java
    A material Switch with icon animations and color transitions
  • android-visualizer

    6.9 0.0 L4 Java
    Takes the input from the Android MediaPlayer and displays visualizations, like in iTunes or WinAmp
  • FabricView

    6.9 0.0 L5 Java
    A new canvas drawing library for Android. Aims to be the Fabric.js for Android. Supports text, images, and hand/stylus drawing input. The library has a website and API docs, check it out
  • WheelView

    6.9 0.0 L2 Java
    An Android Widget for selecting items that rotate on a wheel.
  • TableFixHeaders

    6.8 2.4 L5 Java
    Android library that implements a table with fixed headers.
  • SwipeSelector

    6.8 0.0 L4 Java
    A nicer-looking, more intuitive and highly customizable alternative for radio buttons and dropdowns for Android.
  • MarkdownView

    6.7 0.0 CSS
    DISCONTINUED. MarkdownView is an Android webview with the capablity of loading Markdown text or file and display it as HTML, it uses MarkdownJ and extends Android webview.
  • AndroidSwipeableCardStack

    6.6 0.0 L5 Java
    A tinder like swipeable card stack component
  • Badge

    6.6 0.0 L4 Java
    :octocat: Drawable of badge.
  • Android-ProgressFragment

    6.6 0.0 L4 Java
    Implementation of the fragment with the ability to display indeterminate progress indicator when you are waiting for the initial data.
  • AndroidExpandingViewLibrary

    6.5 0.0 L5 Java
    This is a library to help creating expanding views with animation in Android
  • BrokenView

    6.5 0.0 L3 Java
    Glass-break effect for views
  • ParallaxPager

    6.5 0.0 L4 Java
    Add some depth to your Android scrolling.
  • FlycoLabelView

    6.5 0.0 L4 Java
    A Simple Android LabelView.
  • MaryPopup

    6.5 0.0 L3 Java
    Expand your view with no problem ;)
  • PugNotification

    6.5 0.0 L3 Java
    A powerful library for creating notifications in android platform.
  • NewQuickAction

    6.4 0.0 L4 Java
    Android QuickAction
  • SearchableSpinner

    6.4 0.0 L5 Java
    Spinner with searchable items.
  • SwipeableCard

    6.4 0.0 L2 Java
    A simple implementation of swipe card like StreetView
  • FlippableStackView

    6.4 0.0 Java
    An Android library introducing a stack of Views with the first item being flippable.
  • AudioWaves

    6.4 0.0 Java
    Shows a graphic representation of the sounds captured by the microphone on Android
  • changeloglib

    6.4 0.0 L1 Java
    Android Library to display your changelog
  • TriangleLabelView

    6.3 0.0 Java
    Show triangle view.
  • MultiViewAdapter

    6.3 1.7 Java
    DISCONTINUED. Easily create complex recyclerview adapters in android
  • InteractivePlayerView

    6.3 0.0 Java
    Custom android music player view.
  • CreditCardView

    6.3 0.0 Java
    💳 CreditCardView is an Android library that allows developers to create the UI which replicates an actual Credit Card.
  • ShadowViewHelper

    6.2 0.0 Java
    Shadow layout, shadow view for android.
  • DragListView

    6.2 2.3 L5 Java
    Drag and drop to reorder items in a list, grid or board for Android. Based on RecyclerView. Also supports swiping items in a list.
  • QuiltViewLibrary

    6.1 0.0 L3 Java
    Android Quilt View Library
  • MaterialScrollBar

    6.1 0.0 L4 Java
    An Android library that brings the Material Design 5.1 sidebar to pre-5.1 devices.
  • SwipeBack

    6.0 0.0 L4 Java
    SwipeBack for Android Activities to do pretty the same as the android "back-button" will do, but in a really intuitive way by using a swipe gesture
  • Android-ScrollBarPanel

    6.0 0.0 Java
    DISCONTINUED. Android-ScrollBarPanel allows to attach a View to a scroll indicator like it's done in Path 2.0
  • CustomLoading

    6.0 0.0 Java
    DISCONTINUED. custom loading for android
  • NoNonsense-FilePicker

    6.0 0.0 L4 Java
    DISCONTINUED. A file/directory-picker for android. Implemented as a library project.
  • velocimeter-view

    6.0 0.0 L5 Java
    A velocimeter View for Android
  • ExpandableSelector

    6.0 0.0 L4 Java
    ExpandableSelector is an Android library created to show a list of Button/ImageButton widgets inside a animated container which can be collapsed or expanded.
  • SlidingCard

    6.0 0.0 L4 Java
    Sliding cards with pretty gallery effects.
  • FloatingNotification

    5.9 0.0 L4 Java
    Floating Notification for Android app - Facebook ChatHeads Notification system
  • android-switch-backport

    5.9 0.0 Java
    A backport of the SwitchPreference component that was introduced on Android 4 (ICS / level 14). This port works on Android 2.1+ (Eclair MR1 / level 7).
  • chromium_webview

    5.9 0.0 L2 Java
    Android WebView wrapper based on chromium
  • ChatMessageView

    5.9 0.0 L4 Java
    Android library to create chat message view easily
  • SHSegmentControl

    5.8 0.0 L2 Java
    segmentcontrol widget for android
  • AndroidPinning

    5.8 0.0 L5 Java
    A standalone library project for certificate pinning on Android.
  • PickerUI

    5.8 0.0 Java
    Android library to display a list of items for pick one
  • WizardPager

    5.7 0.0 L4 Java
    Wizard Pager is a library that provides an example implementation of a Wizard UI on Android, it's based of Roman Nurik's wizard pager (https://github.com/romannurik/android-wizardpager)
  • UndoBar

    5.7 0.0 L5 Java
    DISCONTINUED. The UI component for Android advanced UI pattern undo-bar, used in Gmail app, create by roman nurik
  • Android-DirectoryChooser

    5.7 0.0 Java
    A directory chooser library for Android.
  • ShowTipsView

    5.6 0.0 L4 Java
    Highligth specific points of interest of your app

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