A highly customizable calendar library for Android, powered by RecyclerView.
CalendarView alternatives and similar packages
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:balloon: Modernized and sophisticated tooltips, fully customizable with an arrow and animations for Android. -
Android + Kotlin + Github Actions + ktlint + Detekt + Gradle Kotlin DSL + buildSrc = ❤️ -
NotyKT 🖊️
📒 NotyKT is a complete 💎Kotlin-stack (Backend + Android) 📱 application built to demonstrate the use of Modern development tools with best practices implementation🦸. -
Material Chip View
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🚀Jetpack Compose utility library for capturing Composable content and transforming it into Bitmap Image🖼️ -
Carousel Recyclerview
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CrunchyCalendar — awesome calendar widget for android apps
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Pluto Debug Framework
Android Pluto is a on-device debugging framework for Android applications, which helps intercept Network calls, capture Crashes & ANRs, manipulate application data on-the-go, and much more. -
Permission Flow for Android
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:bouquet: An easy way to persist and run code block only as many times as necessary on Android. -
Includes jetpack compose, navigation, paging, hilt, retrofit, coil, coroutines, flow.. -
🔓 Kotlin version of the popular google/easypermissions wrapper library to simplify basic system permissions logic on Android M or higher. -
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MidJourney Images Compose Multiplatform Mobile Application
This application is developed to display the images created by MidJourney. The application is developed with Compose Multiplatform and works on many platforms including Android and iOS platforms. -
Events Calendar
Events Calendar is a user-friendly library that helps you achieve a cool Calendar UI with events mapping. You can customise every pixel of the calendar as per your wish and still achieve in implementing all the functionalities of the native android calendar in addition with adding dots to the calendar which represents the presence of an event on the respective dates. It can be done easily, you are just a few steps away from implementing your own badass looking Calendar for your very own project! -
A Kotlin Multiplatform MVI library based on coroutines with a rich DSL and a powerful plugin system. -
Same as the Outlined text fields presented on the Material Design page but with some dynamic changes. 📝 🎉 -
A customizable and easy-to-use Timeline View library for Android. Works as a RecyclerView decorator (ItemDecoration) -
Android Gradle Plugin that masks secret strings for the app in the source code making it difficult to extract from reverse engineering.
InfluxDB - Purpose built for real-time analytics at any scale.
Do you think we are missing an alternative of CalendarView or a related project?
A highly customizable calendar library for Android, backed by RecyclerView for the view system, and LazyRow/LazyColumn for compose.
With this library, your calendar will look however you want it to.
- [x] Single, multiple or range selection - Total flexibility to implement the date selection whichever way you like.
- [x] Week or month mode - Show a week-based calendar, or the typical month calendar.
- [x] Disable desired dates - Prevent selection of some dates by disabling them.
- [x] Boundary dates - Limit the calendar date range.
- [x] Custom date view/composable - Make your day cells look however you want, with any functionality you want.
- [x] Custom calendar view/composable - Make your calendar look however you want, with whatever functionality you want.
- [x] Custom first day of the week - Use any day as the first day of the week.
- [x] Horizontal or vertical scrolling calendar.
- [x] HeatMap calendar - Suitable for showing how data changes over time, like GitHub's contribution chart.
- [x] Month/Week headers and footers - Add headers/footers of any kind on each month/week.
- [x] Easily scroll to any date/week/month on the calendar via swipe actions or programmatically.
- [x] Use all RecyclerView/LazyRow/LazyColumn customizations since the calendar extends from RecyclerView for the view system and uses LazyRow/LazyColumn for compose.
- [x] Design your calendar however you want. The library provides the logic, you provide the views/composables.
Sample project
It's important to check out the sample app. There are lots of examples provided for both view and compose implementations. Most techniques that you would want to implement are already done in the examples.
Download the sample app here
View the sample app's source code here
The library uses java.time
classes via Java 8+ API desugaring for backward compatibility since these classes were added in Java 8.
Step 1
This step is required ONLY if your app's minSdkVersion
is below 26. Jump to step 2 if this does not apply to you.
To set up your project for desugaring, you need to first ensure that you are using Android Gradle plugin 4.0.0 or higher.
Then include the following in your app's build.gradle file:
android {
defaultConfig {
// Required ONLY if your minSdkVersion is below 21
multiDexEnabled true
compileOptions {
// Enable support for the new language APIs
coreLibraryDesugaringEnabled true
// Set compatibility to Java 8 (can be higher if desired)
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
kotlinOptions {
// Also add this for Kotlin projects
jvmTarget = "1.8"
dependencies {
coreLibraryDesugaring '<latest-version>'
You can find the latest version of desugar_jdk_libs
Step 2
Add the desired calendar library (view or compose) to your app build.gradle
dependencies {
// The view calendar library
implementation 'com.kizitonwose.calendar:view:<latest-version>'
// The compose calendar library
implementation 'com.kizitonwose.calendar:compose:<latest-version>'
You can find the latest version of the library on the maven central badge above.
Snapshots of the development version are available in Sonatype’s snapshots repository.
Note: If you're upgrading from version 1.x.x to 2.x.x, see the migration guide.
You can find the relevant documentation for the library in the links below.
View-based documentation | Compose documentation |
Share your creations
Made a cool calendar with this library? Share an image here.
Found a bug? feel free to fix it and send a pull request or open an issue.
Calendar library is distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.
*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the CalendarView README section above
are relevant to that project's source code only.